Academic Federation of Porto
#prevenção de comportamentos de risco
#combate ao abandono escolar
#promoção do sucesso escolar.
FAP no Bairro (FAP in the Neighbourhood) is an innovative social intervention project set up by the Academic Federation of Porto in 2010, in which students from the Porto Academy provide services in the city's most vulnerable communities. It consists of setting up Community Centres in social housing estates in the city of Porto, and is currently present in 2 of them - in Bairro do Carriçal (Paranhos) and Bairro Dr. Nuno Pinheiro Torres (Lordelo Ouro/Massarelos). Why is it an innovative project? Well, it's a project entirely conceived and coordinated by higher education students. It's the first of its kind to be promoted by student associations in Portugal, where they accompany children and young people in their neighbourhoods on a daily basis, with the primary aim of combating school failure and dropout, providing good times through practical and interactive activities so that they spend as little time as possible on the streets, and ensuring that their future lies in higher education.
- Nº de crianças e jovens abrangidos
- 35persons Diariamente
A FAP no Bairro propõe-se a chegar ao maior número possível de crianças e jovens das comunidades em que estão inseridos.
Target4 ● 6Universal literacy and numeracy - Nº de jovens a ingressar no ensino superior
- 2persons per year
A FAP no Bairro orgulha-se de várias jovens terem ingressado no ensino superior, quando isso não fazia parte dos seus planos.
Target4 ● 3Equal access to affordable technical, vocational and higher education
Project information
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification