Talentus Space - E9G
#Junta de Freguesia
#Programa Escolhas
"Espaço Talentus - E9G" aims to integrate and socially include children, young people and their families by promoting school and social success, the development of personal/social/artistic/cultural/sports/health/digital/environmental skills and civic and community empowerment, through innovative educational and training activities, with a view to comprehensive training, while also improving their quality of life, boosting their full and effective integration as active citizens in school and society.
The development of the various activities also aims to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Climate action (0DS13), Reducing inequalities (0DS10), Renewable and affordable energy (0DS07), Gender equality (0DS05), Quality education (0DS04), Quality health (0DS03) and Eradicating poverty (0DS01).

- Nº de crianças/jovens beneficiadas na Educação de qualidade
- 130crianças/jovens por dia
Frequência em aulas no âmbito da Flexibilização Curricular, com ensino diferenciador, que visa o aumento da qualidade da Educação.
Target4 ● 6Universal literacy and numeracy - Nº de crianças/jovens envolvidas
- 198crianças/jovens por dia
Desenvolvimento de atividades tecnológicas sem diferenciação de género, desmistificando o preconceito existente ainda da sociedade, que as profissões tecnológicas são apenas indicadas para homens.
Target5 ▶ bPromote empowerment of women through technology
Project information
- Social Network:
- https://www.instagram.com/espacotalentus.e9g/
- Promoter:
- Junta de Freguesia
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification