Choose Vilar-E9G N-10

#Vila Nova de Gaia #ONG #Programa Escolhas #ODS #Escolhe Vilar-E9G #Street'S Soul #JFVA #IPDJ
SDG Explorers activity, in search of a more sustainable world! This is an activity organised by Escolhe Vilar- E9G, in which we promote respect for nature and the balance of ecosystems, ecological awareness, the reuse of resources and the reduction of the ecological footprint. So that participants realise the importance of keeping common spaces clean, recycling, the importance of relationships and respect for nature in the future of the planet and species, including mankind. Above all, the role of ecosystem imbalances in the emergence of new diseases. We will also be working on the UN 2030 SDGs, goals to be achieved that cover issues ranging from social and economic development to the environment and social justice. We propose to work on SDGs 1,2,3,4,5,7,11,12,13,14,15 and 16 in this activity, in different ways so that participants familiarise themselves with these issues, take an interest and really start to take responsibility for the process of change at this level.
Aumento da sensibilidade dos participantes do projeto

Os indivíduos participam em atividades de cariz muito prático ao mesmo tempo que lhes é transmitido o conhecimento teórico associado, dai haver resultados e aprenderem, de outra forma perdiam o interesse.

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Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
Taking root