Family Support Team
This project covers families who are being socially monitored and have been identified and/or notified as having problems or multiple problems and increased vulnerability of the user/family by a multidisciplinary team, in an interdisciplinary and concerted action mode
Faced with the evaluation of risks/dangers, in a multidisciplinary way, the project acts at different instances of its existence (health, housing, subsistence, etc.), provides the accomplishment of objectives recognised as essential to the A.I and/or life project with assured quality and well-being.
In the field of actions for achievement, we can describe
- Integration of minors in equipment (action and follow-up)
- Accompaniment of minors in a situation of risk of school failure/dropout
- Awareness and (In)Training Sessions (Mental Health, Financial Education, etc.)
- Promotion of Parental Skills
- Identification and follow-up of situations of risk/anger
- Specialised follow-up (Psychology, GIP; Recreational Centre)
- Follow-up of referrals to external entities
- Support to the exercise of citizenship and organisation of daily life
- Support to improve housing
- Support and follow-up for integration in the labour market and/or vocational training
- 100Familias per month
Nome do Impacto: 100 Quantidade: 100 Unidade: famílias Frequência: por mês
Target1 ● 2Reduce poverty by at least 50%
Project information
- Website:
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 500 – 5000
- Development Status:
- Sprouting