Higher Education - CTeSP

#Ponte de Sor #Instituição de ensino ##PonteDeSor ##IPP ##EnsinoSuperior ##NOS
The "Agile Programming and Information Systems Security" CTeSP aims to train professionals who develop computer applications using technologies based on agile development methodologies, taking into account information systems security standards. The networking and security component will enable students to obtain CISCO certification in these areas, as well as Google Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) certification for skills in virtualised information systems environments in the Cloud. Coding computer algorithms for software development, implementing, maintaining and managing integrated cloud computing and service-orientated solutions. Draw up proposals for the design and integration of databases and their management and transaction processes in organisational information systems. Managing the installation and maintenance of computer networks and systems.
Formação Superior
persons per year

O CTSP de Programação Ágil e Segurança de Sistemas de Informação pretende formar profissionais que desenvolvam aplicações informáticas utilizando tecnologias baseadas em metodologias ágeis.

4 3
Equal access to affordable technical, vocational and higher education
Project information
Instituição de ensino
No. of people reached:
10 – 25
Development Status:
In fructification