EMDIIP - We(in) Holidays

#Oeiras #IPSS #Crianças com deficiência #Colónia de Férias inclusivas #Oeiras #Inclusão #Férias divertidas #autonomia #integração #deficiência
We(in) Férias is a project developed by EMDIIP that seeks to promote the inclusion of children with difficulties in a regular holiday camp, with the aim of promoting their development, social interaction and communication skills, behavioural and emotional regulation and autonomy, in a playful, recreational and leisure context. The training of monitors whose main role is to ensure the daily and individual monitoring of the children throughout all the dynamics carried out, in order to create learning opportunities, overcome the barriers identified and promote their full inclusion in the community. Objectives:
  • To promote the inclusion of children through direct, individualised and constant support;
  • Sensitise the community to the rights of equal opportunities and participation;
  • Adapt contexts to reduce physical and social barriers;
  • Enable teams to act actively in creating learning opportunities.
Nº de crianças apoiadas
persons semana

O Impacto do projeto mede-se diretamente na quantidade de crianças apoiadas

1 4
Equal rights to ownership, basic services, technology and economic resources
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification