#Vila Nova de Gaia #Associação
Verd'EKUI is a non-profit organisation founded in November 2018 by social entrepreneur Celmira Macedo as a spin-off from IIES EKUI. This association currently promotes the EKUI methodology, developed in 2003 by this social entrepreneur. EKUI is a multi-sensory Universal Design methodology. It is the only one in the world that combines four forms of communication: graphics, the Braille code, Portuguese Sign Language (LGP) and the Phonetic Alphabet. It uses visual, auditory and kinaesthetic clues and these clues, used at the same time, activate different areas in the brain, making children learn letters faster (50 per cent faster than using only traditional methods). On the other hand, children learn to communicate in a new language (Sign Language) and code - Braille. It is designed to help you stimulate, assess and intervene in the skills needed to learn to read and write.
Nº de Pais, educadores, professores e terapeutas formados

Capacitação de pais, educadores, professores e terapeutas formados na Metodologia EKUI.

4 7
Education for sustainable development and global citizenship
Nº de Crianças e jovens diretamente impactadas através da implementação da metodologia EKUI

Intervenção direta e indireta através da metodologia EKUI

4 6
Universal literacy and numeracy
Nº escolas e turmas nacionais a implementar a metodologia EKUI
368 escolas e 353 turmas
escolas total

Escolas e turmas nacionais a implementar a metodologia EKUI desde 2015

4 a
Build and upgrade inclusive and safe schools
Project information
No. of people reached:
5000 – 10000
Development Status:
In fructification