Earthwise Alliance - Miyawaki Pocket Forest

#Peniche #Outro #Sustentabilidade #regeneração #bem-estar #organizações #pessoas.
EarthWise is an alliance of and for sustainability and regeneration experts with a dream: to empower people and organisations to regenerate the world. Our mission is to mobilise new leadership in the sustainability journey of organisations through regenerative practices in strategy, operations and culture. Our guiding vision is a world with healthy, prosperous and regenerative organisations that nurture human potential and generate value for themselves, their communities and nature. Following the principles of the Miyawaki Method for planting mini-forests, this 3 m2 Pocket Forest was created by EarthWise Alliance, a symbolic "seed" of sustainability, well-being and regeneration, on 06-07-2024 in Bukubaki, Peniche.
Número de pessoas e organizações comprometidas com a sustentabilidade e a regeneração
organizações/pessoas per year

Inspirados na sabedoria e nas lógicas da Vida, vemos cada organização/pessoa como um organismo com o poder de evoluir e de prosperar, de dentro para fora. Propomos, ligar ecossistemas para encontrar respostas conjuntas.

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Encourage effective partnerships
Project information
No. of people reached:
10 – 25
Development Status:
Taking root