International Day of the Educating City

#Sesimbra #Associação #Promoção da Educação
The International Day of the Educating City, 30 November, aims to reinforce the idea that Education is in everything and everything is in Education. The municipality of Sesimbra has been a member of the International Association of Educating Cities since 2011. This association is made up of several cities worldwide, represented educationally by their local authorities. The association's innovative concept focuses on the promotion and exchange of experiences at both national and international level, and aims to collaborate with organisations such as the UN, UNESCO and others. By joining the network, all municipalities have signed up to the Charter of Educating Cities. The Charter is a unifying element in the definition of municipal policies, and the educating city works to ensure that education is the transversal axis of all local policies.
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification