Solidarity Pantry
With the vision of creating a better day-to-day life for most people, MAR Shopping Algarve integrates solidarity into its entire operation.
As part of its strategy, it aims to play a positive role in society, interacting with the communities in which it operates and maximising its impact on actions of equity and inclusion.
Aware that there are a significant number of disadvantaged people, many of whom depend on the support and solidarity of local institutions, MAR Shopping Algarve launched the "Solidarity Pantry" in 2021 not only to support those who need it most, but also to boost community spirit.
The organisations benefiting from the programme support needy families whose users often have to deal with financial problems, domestic violence or people with illnesses. Not to be forgotten are animal welfare organisations, as the abandonment of domestic animals has been on the increase and shelters are becoming overcrowded.

- Despensa Solidária
- 795itens 365 dias/ano
Sensibilização para a partilha e apoio, solidariedade, contribuir para um melhor dia-a-dia de famílias fragilizadas, união de recursos com IPSSs locais, combater a fome, contribuir para a equidade e inclusão
Target1 ▶ aMobilize Resources to Implement Policies to End Poverty
Project information
- Promoter:
- Empresa
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification