Higher Professional Technical Course | CTeSP in Sport and Physical Activity

#Ponte de Sor #Instituição de ensino ##PonteDeSor ##EnsinoSuperior ##Desporto ##AtividadeFisica #IPPortalegre
The Sports and Physical Activity course (CTeSP), an innovative degree programme in the district of Portalegre, in partnership between the Polytechnic of Portalegre and the Ponte de Sor Municipality, which aims to reinforce the commitment in this sector to human resources that leverage the region's sports development, will be held in Ponte de Sor. Reference is made to the superior quality of the municipal infrastructures that will enhance this training and the clear ambition that Ponte de Sor has to host a degree programme in this area in the future, as it has all the conditions for this. More than a dozen students will be taking part in this two-year degree programme, which will use the municipal sports facilities for theoretical and practical classes.
Valorização educativa - Incentivo à continuação dos estudos
persons per year

Politicas de valorização educativa, incluindo medidas de apoio ao aumento da variedade da oferta educativa, programas de formação, aprendizagem e continuação dos estudos

4 3
Equal access to affordable technical, vocational and higher education
Project information
Instituição de ensino
No. of people reached:
10 – 25
Development Status: