Growing Common
The Bairro Social de Santa Tecla is a neighbourhood inhabited mostly by Roma citizens and is undergoing a process of requalification due to the degraded state of repair it was in. There is therefore an urgent need to develop actions to remedy the lack of respect for public space, which has implications for the way the stairwells of the buildings are treated, how the public space in and around the neighbourhood is viewed and respected, in the maladjusted behaviour with regard to observing rubbish collection schedules and notions of recycling. Equally important are health-related issues regarding eating habits, as well as providing awareness-raising moments in the fight against Covid-19.

- Nº de Participantes Ações de Saúde
- 31per year
Semanalmente realizamos sessões promotoras de saúde e hábitos saudáveis, seja a nível de promoção de exercício físico, alimentação saudável, covid-19 e outros virus, literacia na saúde, consumos...
Target3 ● 4Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health - Ações Ambientais
- 12per year
Espaço formativo com o objetivo de promover o respeito e tratamento do espaço público, hábitos conscienciosos, reciclagem, redução e tratamento de água, entre outros...
Target11 ● 6Reduce the environmental impacts of cities - Nº de Participantes de Empoderamento e Capacitação dos Jovens
- 31persons per year
Semanalmente realizamos ações de capacitação e empoderamento pessoal para promover entre o grupo o crescimento pessoal. varias sessões com o objetivo de promover empreendorismo e cidadania ativa
Target8 ● 6Promote youth employment, education and training
Project information
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 25 – 100
- Development Status:
- In fructification