Insertion Community

#Seixal #IPSS #Acolhimento #Projeto de Vida #Autonomização

CRIAR-T's Insertion Community is a social response aimed at the temporary reception of individuals in a humanitarian emergency situation, outlining a set of integrated actions that incorporate a Life Project in favour of the autonomy and social reintegration of people and families who are vulnerable at different levels due to certain factors that trigger a situation of social exclusion and/or marginalisation.

Its main objectives are to meet the basic needs of residents, promoting the structural development of people/households, as well as the acquisition of basic and relational skills; it seeks to foster the development of skills and potential of people/households, favouring their social and professional integration through internal responses and partnerships in the local community.

CI aims to safeguard fundamental values such as human dignity and respect for the rights and will of the individual.

Comunidade de Inserção

A Comunidade de Inserção da CRIAR-T é uma resposta social destinada ao acolhimento temporário de indivíduos em situação de emergência humanitária.

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Equal rights to ownership, basic services, technology and economic resources
Project information
No. of people reached:
10 – 25
Development Status:
In fructification