Telheiras/Lumiar Renewable Energy Community

#Lisboa #Associação #energia #comunidade #solar #sustentabilidade #pobreza energética
The Telheiras/Lumiar Renewable Energy Community (CER Telheiras/Lumiar) is a local solar energy production project, managed and shared by the people of Telheiras. It is an initiative of the Telheiras Local Partnership and the Lumiar Parish Council. As part of the EU Energy Poverty Advisory Hub - the European Commission's initiative on energy poverty - it received technical support from Coopérnico and CENSE NOVA-FCT. This innovative initiative contributes to more sustainable, fair, cheap and democratic energy, and has already installed its first solar energy production and sharing project. The installation of 13 panels (7.15 kWp) supplies energy to JF Lumiar's own building and to 16 local families (three of which are families in energy poverty). Planning is underway for the installation of a 2nd photovoltaic system for energy sharing with 60 new members who have already signed up (families, small businesses and condominiums) and the launch of a Practical Guide with 10 essential steps.
Número de participantes no projeto
persons termo indefinido

Número de consumidores de energia que usufruem de eletricidade renovável

7 a
Promote access, technology and investments in clean energy
Número de famílias em pobreza energética apoiadas pelo projeto
persons termo indefinido

Número de famílias vulneráveis e em pobreza energética apoiadas pelo projeto com energia renovável a título gratuito

1 2
Reduce poverty by at least 50%
Produção anual de energia renovável
MWh per year

Energia elétrica produzida pelo sistema solar fotovoltaico piloto da CER Telheiras

7 2
Increase global percentage of renewable energy
Redução anual das emissões de gases de efeito estufa
tonnes per year

Redução anual das emissões de gases de efeito estufa, medido em toneladas de CO2 equivalente, derivada da implementação do projeto piloto da CER Telheiras

11 b
Implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction
Project information
No. of people reached:
25 – 100
Development Status:
In fructification