Digital Resource Centre
The Digital Resource Centre is a space for training the community in IT and multimedia, boosting access to online services so that they can better adapt to the reality brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. It also aims to be an important vehicle for the creation of digital content, taking into account the trend of future professions. This project was born out of the need diagnosed by a group of formal and informal partners who identified that, in the face of an increasingly digital world, it is crucial to promote digital skills in the community. This digital resource centre therefore includes free access to the internet and existing resources, training courses, workshops, information/awareness sessions and the production of online content. Not forgetting that there is a close relationship at a professional level between a lack of digital skills and difficulty in finding employment.
- Capacitação para acessos a serviços online
- 21persons Semanal
Capacitação da comunidade para os serviços online. Muitas pessoas sem conhecimentos básicos de informática recorreram os projeto para aprenderem a lidar com as plataformas dos serviços públicos.
Target9 ▶ cUniversal access to information and communications technology - Sessões individuais de softskills
- 15persons Semanal
As consequências dos confinamentos foram devastadoras para a saúde mental da comunidade. O projeto apoiou vários utentes a lidar com estas consequências através dos processos individuais de softskills
Target3 ● 4Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Project information
- Website:
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification