#Assistência Médico-dentária
#reinserção social
In Portugal, oral health care is only available to part of the population. There are both public and private services, but the most disadvantaged populations have the most difficulty accessing this type of care, either because they are not covered by government programmes or because they cannot afford private services.
The Oral Health Support Centre is a pioneering social response that consists of providing oral health services and psychosocial support to users in situations of socio-economic vulnerability, with the aim of contributing to their social reintegration. The vision for the future is that all beneficiaries will experience positive changes in terms of their self-esteem and the incentive/predisposition to change their social/professional situation.
- Nº de beneficiários do projeto
- 5781persons assistidasTarget10 ● 3Ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination
- Nº de tratamentos realizados
- 45.545Tratamentos realizadosTarget3 ● 8Achieve universal health coverage
- Nº de reabilitações orais
- 1.614reabilitações totaisTarget10 ● 2Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion
Project information
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 5000 – 10000
- Development Status:
- In fructification