CASA (Community, Affections, Dreams, Ambitions) - Together we build our house!

#Lamego #IPSS #Valorização #Inclusão #Sensibilização #Reabilitação.
Intervention with the community in the area identified (Quinta de Santo António neighbourhood), fostering relations between residents and the local community. Given the diagnostic tools used and the physical, social and professional characterisation of the communities living in this neighbourhood, there is a clear need to work with these populations, support them in their differences and encourage their integration into society, respecting and valuing their culture and identity. The most pressing areas of intervention are social, environmental and urban planning, with activities designed to complement another recently approved project in which the Nazes neighbourhood is also the target of intervention. In preparing this application, the diagnoses drawn up by direct social intervention teams working in the field were taken into account.
Nº de pessoas que residem no bairro
persons Preferencialmente semanal.

Ações de sensibilização sobre saúde e educação ambiental; oficinas culturais; ateliers de culinária, dança e música; Obras de manutenção, requalificação e ações de limpeza dos espaços comuns do bairro

11 7
Provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces
Nº de blocos requalificados no bairro social da Quinta de Santo António
Blocos per year

Obras de manutenção, requalificação e limpeza dos espaços comuns interiores e exteriores; instalação de equipamento infantil; manutenção e limpeza de árvores no exterior.

11 7
Provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification