E9G Paths

#Viseu #IPSS #inclusão social #intervenção comunitária #crianças e jovens #educação #cidadania #paz #igualdade de género
The general aim of the Caminhos E9G project is to contribute to the social inclusion and equal opportunities of children and young people and their families from vulnerable socio-economic backgrounds, by developing strategies to promote more successful school journeys and personal and civic skills, aimed at the autonomy and empowerment of participants in building their own life projects. This project is promoted by Cáritas Diocesana de Viseu and is part of the 9th Generation of the Escolhas Programme (promoted by the Secretary of State for Youth and Sport, through the Portuguese Institute for Sport and Youth, IP and co-financed by Pessoas 2030, Portugal 2030 and the European Union).
N.º de crianças abrangidas em ações promotoras de competências
persons per year
4 7
Education for sustainable development and global citizenship
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification