Enchanted Forest
#impacto social
#valor social
Between 1 December 2023 and 7 January 2024, MAR Shopping Matosinhos came to life with an Enchanted Forest. In this magical setting, beings from fairy tales inhabited an imaginary forest. In the heart of the forest, an enchanting train invited children to explore the Christmas forest. The symbolic €1 entrance fee helped to meet the urgent needs of two homes: Lar de Sant' Ana, which supports the elderly and vulnerable, and Lar de Santa Cruz, which takes in children and young people at risk. This solidarity initiative made Christmas even more special, teaching the children the value of community and generosity.
- criação de valor social
- 15persons
remodelação dos quartos do Lar de Santa Cruz onde residem 15 jovens em situação de institucionalização
Target16 ● 2Protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence - criação de valor social
- 220persons
apoiar e otimizar capacidade de resposta do Lar de SantAna potenciando o número de refeições servidas na cantina social
Target2 ● 2End all forms of malnutrition - criação de valor social
- 5098,61euros
remodelação dos quartos do Lar de Santa Cruz onde residem 15 jovens em situação de institucionalização
Target16 ● 2Protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence - criação de valor social
- 2500euros
apoiar e otimizar capacidade de resposta do Lar de SantAna potenciando o número de refeições servidas na cantina social
Target2 ● 2End all forms of malnutrition - parcerias
- 4
envolver a comunidade, apoiar as comunidades vulneráveis, sensibilizar, criar redes de apoio, direcionar e alocar recursos
Target17 ● 17Encourage effective partnerships
Project information
- Promoter:
- Empresa
- No. of people reached:
- ≥ 10000
- Development Status:
- Sprouting