Boom festival - Accessibility
Boom is an inclusive festival and we want to offer even better conditions to Boomers living with disabilities.
Boom takes place in the middle of nature, in the far south of Portugal. During the summer, the intense heat and arid terrain make conditions even more difficult. These bring out the best in us as we face each other and learn something new from each other too.
We made every effort to make it a comfortable experience for each and every one of us. However, if you require any additional assistance or disabled access, then please read the information on the website as it contains everything you need to know about our Accessibility programme.
- Sustentabilidade Social - Let´s Inklu
- 60000persons evento
Aplicação de Inclusive Design Thinking na criação de uma cidade/evento com 60000 participantes a acampar junto à barragem durante 7 dias, incluindo as populações especiais (gestantes, pessoas com deficiência, comunidade surda,...)
Target11 ▶ bImplement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction
- Promoter:
- Empresa
- No. of people reached:
- ≥ 10000
- Development Status:
- Taking root