Bioilhas - Biodiverse classrooms

#Lisboa #Outro #miniflorestas #bosques comestíveis #permacultura #Miyawaki #salas de aula biodiversas
Born out of a long-standing desire to transform urban public space, Bioilhas proposes the conversion of traditional green areas into biodiverse ecosystems open to the free use of the surrounding community. Instead of a wide, barren and exposed space, as is the case with lawns, the Bioilhas create clearing spaces surrounded by dense vegetation, creating a more inviting, peaceful and comfortable environment for the FCUL campus. Its epithet "Biodiverse Classrooms" arises from the need to increase the supply of spaces that serve outdoor teaching more geared towards the practice of Biological Sciences. As areas of slow and gradual intervention, the Bioilhas are designed for the co-creation of the ecosystem by the parties involved in the project. What's more, they are an opportunity for students to feel that they are part of the construction and evolution of the campus, fostering a sense of responsibility for the spaces they frequent.
Número de espécies perenes de plantas no projecto
espécies total
15 3
End desertification and restore degraded land
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification