BEJACOLHE - Culture and Diversity
"BEJACOLHE Cultura e Diversidade" is a social intervention project designed to interact with the immigrant community with the aim of promoting its integration through the arts. By encouraging the participation of immigrants and the local population as agents of change, this initiative aims to contribute to the emergence of new forms of dialogue that promote social inclusion. Because when Beja welcomes, Beja also reaps. The territory of intervention of this project is the old part of the city of Beja, a historical place predominantly made up of museological and administrative buildings of the municipality of Beja. This part of the city is currently a place frequented by new residents, young immigrants from countries as far away from Lusophony as Senegal, Guinea-Conakry, Pakistan and India, among others. Despite the growing number of immigrants, there is a deficit of practices that promote their integration as new residents of the city of Beja.

Project information
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification