Changing Room/Community Centre
In Águeda, there are communities living in uninhabitable, unhealthy and unhygienic conditions, and it is important to intervene in order to alleviate some of their basic needs. Hygiene is an important indicator of inequalities in Roma communities. The aim of this project is to create regular hygiene habits, contributing to a significant improvement in the quality of life of the Roma community where we will be intervening and thus promoting their social integration. One of the specific objectives is to install a shower room. This equipment will improve the hygiene conditions of this community, as they will have access to showers with hot water, toilets and a washing machine. On the other hand, we intend to empower the individuals involved to become independent in hygiene care and the correct use of the equipment, by organising awareness-raising activities and campaigns, with the aim of enabling them to acquire skills or enhance those they have. The topics will be related to health care, oral and body hygiene, the adoption of healthy lifestyles and the use of equipment, among others.

- Colocação de um balneário
- 34persons per year
O projeto teve como objetivo a colocação de um balneário/WC Comunitário, apoiando assim 8 famílias de etnia cigana com condições precárias de higiene.
Target10 ● 2Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion - Famílias que assistiram a ações de sensibilização
- 34persons per year
Este projeto também promoveu a dinamização de ações de sensibilização sobre temáticas variadas de higiene pessoal, cuidados básicos de saúde, higiene habitacional, entre outros.
Target3 ● 3Fight communicable diseases
Project information
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 25 – 100
- Development Status:
- In fructification