Healthy Neighbourhoods: include to improve
#Marco de Canaveses
#envelhecimento ativo e saudável
#movimento corporal
#estimulação cognitiva
#relações interpessoais
#pertença a um grupo
"Healthy Neighbourhoods: Include to improve" is inspired by previous work carried out with the elderly population of the Marco de Canaveses municipality, advocating the creation of a network of healthy practices and lifestyles between the "neighbourhoods" (parishes) and prioritising the physical, mental and social well-being of the elderly in their relationship with the rural community, providing sustainability and mobilising social cohesion. This unifying proposal within and between parishes emerges from current needs, is implemented through activities at home (ageing in community) and establishes communities of interest through the intervention of performing arts and behavioural re-education. Intervention through the arts, more specifically music, promotes social inclusion and self-esteem, intervening individually and in groups, in the context of the home, taking place in phases, by professionals from the areas mentioned, promoting an inclusive network in the community that sustains formal and informal support for the elderly.
- Nº de pessoas idosas abrangidas pelo Projeto + Cuidadores/famíias
- 80persons per year
Atividades de música e movimento corporal no domicílio, passando depois a ensaios em grupo nos quais se promove o relacionamento interpessoal, a motivação e auto-determinação, combate-se o isolamento.
Target10 ● 2Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion
Project information
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 25 – 100
- Development Status:
- In fructification