ConVida Neighbourhoods

#Coimbra #IPSS #Natureza #laços de vizinhança #educação #saúde e bem-estar
Bairros ConVida aims to promote regular contact between the community and nature. Developed by CASPAE, an IPSS in Coimbra, its formal partner is the Rainha Santa Isabel School Group, covered by the TEIP Programme, and its informal partner is the CódigAtomiko Youth Association. It has the support of the Eiras Parish Council and the Trampoline Project E7G. This arose from the initiative of the children of the community and was articulated with partners and supports with experience of intervention in the area. Planned for implementation on the Ingote Plateau, an economically and socially disadvantaged area, it aims to promote the community's appreciation, recovery and maintenance of nature areas. Priority is given to the creation of neighbourhood and collaboration networks, which are involved in the common goal: the qualification of the common public space, with the valorisation of nature, as a space for playing, combating school failure, personal development and the promotion of citizenship, health and well-being of the community
Nº de indivíduos que usufrem do Parque
persons Dia

Parque criado com/para comunidade: planeamento/construção/ utilização em ações organizadas (com registo presença), de 279 indivíduos (7023 participações). Parque público, logo impacto no território

11 7
Provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification