Tree of Affections

#Viana do Castelo #Instituição de ensino #Afetos #Socioemocionais #Saúde Psicológica
"Árvore dos Afetos" is a programme developed under the PNPSE to promote educational success and inclusion. It formally integrates four areas of intervention: students, school, family and community, in which various activities are carried out with the different target groups (students, teachers, operational and technical assistants and families). As a general objective, it aims to promote training in the field of socio-emotional development for all those involved in the school community, particularly pupils, thereby creating an educational and family context that facilitates personal, relational and academic growth. Specifically, it includes the following areas of action: Prevention and promotion of socio-emotional competences; Hosting psychosocial support for students from abroad (SER sem Fronteiras); Individual psychological and psycho-pedagogical support that has made it possible to respond to difficulties in adaptive functioning, psychological illness and academic maladjustment, contributing to the students' greater social and emotional well-being; Training formal and informal educational agents on socio-emotional learning, personal development and educational practices, encouraging collaborative partnerships between the various educators in the different contexts of the student's life. In addition, the promotion of motivational activities for teachers, the implementation and development of an observational study and various actions aimed at psychological health literacy.
Nº de alunos intervencionados
persons per year

Neste impacto leva-se em consideração todos os alunos do Agrupamento, uma vez que ao longo dos vários anos do projeto já foram realizadas sessões de grupo com mais de 40 turmas e apoio psicológico direto individual a variados alunos, alunos integrados no Ser sem Fronteiras.

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Eliminate all discrimination in education
Nº de profissionais intervencionados
persons per year

Inclui-se profissionais docentes e não docentes integrados na formação profissional, gabinete de apoio ao profissional e monitorização de saúde ocupacional.

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Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions
Nº de Famílias intervencionadas
persons per year

Inclui-se todos os contatos individuais com Encarregados de Educação, assim como os participantes nas ações de formação e workshops temáticos realizados.

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Ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination
Índice de colaborações com parceiros locais e nacionais
entidades per year

Incluem-se todas as parcerias com entidades locais externas, instituições e/ou serviços da região ou de contexto nacional (ex: Ordem Nacional dos Psicólogos)

10 2
Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion
Project information
Social Network:
Instituição de ensino
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification