Arroios belongs to everyone
Arroios is Lisbon's most diverse parish; more than 92 nationalities contribute to cultural and socio-economic enrichment. However, refugees suffer from poverty, exclusion and low quality of life (QOL). Despite public services, there are still needs, especially in terms of access to healthcare, language classes, vocational training and intercultural exchange between communities. By utilising the Lisbon Project's (LP) facilities in Arroios and its support network, which is already well known in the migrant and refugee community, Arroios is for Everyone will offer a range of essential activities and services. Firstly, fundamental access to public services in the health system and legal support. Next, active citizenship will be encouraged to support migrants in education, employment and welfare. Finally, cultural events will increase the visibility of migrant communities in order to promote socio-territorial cohesion.

Project information
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In seed