Shared Apartments in Loulé

#Loulé #IPSS
The Shared Apartments Project is part of the objectives of the National Strategy for the Integration of Homeless People and aims to offer support to homeless people. This project is centred on rights for all and the fight against inequalities, offering a social response that will transform the lives of these people. Everyone should have access to a life with rights, decent work/education/training, health and safety. The main aim of this project is to provide temporary housing for people who are homeless in this municipality, in order to encourage the development and acquisition of normative styles, personal, social and professional skills, where progressive autonomy and responsibility are encouraged, necessary for full social reintegration. The integrated users are accompanied by technicians who support them in their social integration process.
Nº de pessoas em situação de sem abrigo abrangidas pelo projeto
Pessoas per month
1 4
Equal rights to ownership, basic services, technology and economic resources
Nº de pessoas em situação de sem abrigo abrangidas pelo projeto
Pessoas per month
2 1
Universal access to safe and nutritious food
Nº de pessoas em situação de sem abrigo abrangidas pelo projeto
Pessoas per month
3 5
Prevent and treat substance abuse
Nº de pessoas em situação de sem abrigo abrangidas pelo projeto
Pesssoas per month
3 4
Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Project information
No. of people reached:
10 – 25
Development Status:
In fructification