Altar of the Seasons

#Viana do Castelo #Associação #Solstício #Equinócio
The Baldio de Carvoeiro, in partnership with the União de Freguesias de Barroselas e Carvoeiro and a group of amateur astronomers, are developing a unique project related to astronomy. The "ALTAR DAS ESTAÇÕES" will be a landmark when it comes to stargazing and, above all, observing the sunrise on the winter and summer solstices and the autumn and spring equinoxes through the doors placed for this purpose. This construction will essentially be used to publicise and awaken a taste for astronomy among the general community and the school community in particular. It will also be a must for lovers of photographing stars and other celestial bodies. The "ALTAR DAS ESTAÇÕES" (ALTAR OF THE SEASONS) will be a granite construction with vertical pillars measuring 60x60x350cm that will form part of the three doors located to the east for observing the sunrise during the two solstices and two equinoxes of the year, and another three doors to the west for observing the sunset during the same periods of the year.
Literacia para a astronomia
persons per year

Com esta construção pretende-se cativar a comunidade escolar para as questões da ciência e em particular para a Astronomia, assumindo-se com uma relevante função de educação para a ciência na região.

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Education for sustainable development and global citizenship
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status: