Villages 65+

#Pombal #Junta de Freguesia #envelhecimento ativo #comunidade

Aldeias 65+ Project aims to promote moments of conviviality and sharing; develop social and personal skills; enhance local associations or chapel halls; combat social isolation and social exclusion; promote active and healthy ageing. It is aimed at the elderly (people aged 65 or over), who do not benefit from Home Support Services or Day Centre, residing in the Parish of Pombal.

It aims to: Combat social isolation and exclusion; Promote active and healthy aging; Boost and enhance the physical spaces of the villages of the parish of Pombal.

nº de idosos apoiados
persons per month

Nº de idosos que participa mensalmente nas iniciativas organizadas

Project information
Junta de Freguesia
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification