Mother's Help/Arco School

#Oeiras #IPSS #ajudademae #escoladoarco #peloscaminhosdainfancia
The Escola do Arco is a project designed to make it easier to reconcile family and professional life. It is a school that runs for 12 months and has extended opening hours. It was set up by the Ajuda de Mãe Association in 2011, in collaboration with Oeiras City Council (which provided the land) and the P.A.R.E.S Project (Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity). We currently have two centres: Nursery and Pre-school. In order to give continuity to educational practice and respond to the current reality of children and their families, the pedagogical team has defined the theme for its educational project for the three-year period 2022/2025: "Along the Paths of Childhood". Throughout childhood, children take different paths along which they build their identity, knowledge and relationships. We are committed to ensuring that, during this journey through Escola do Arco, children can benefit from a variety of experiences, in a variety of contexts that will ensure their holistic, harmonious development and consequently lead them down endless learning paths. The sub-theme for 2022-2023 is: Growing up with emotions. Throughout this school year, the pedagogical practice to be developed will place greater emphasis on the discovery and development of the child's emotional side. Helping them to identify, get to know, understand and manage their different emotions enables them to learn more about themselves and others, favouring their capacity for self-regulation and empathy training.
Nº de crianças integradas na resposta educativa
persons per month
4 1
Free primary and secondary education
Nº de famílias a quem serve a resposta educativa
persons per month
1 3
Implement social protection systems
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification