AgroGaia's main objectives are to promote sustainable agriculture in the municipality and to promote the commercialisation of products in short-circuit chains, thereby bringing consumers closer to the most sustainable local producers and farmers. The project's operational objectives consist of supporting farmers with technical agricultural advice, incorporating agroecology principles and good agricultural practices, valuing the social, economic and environmental functions of small-scale farming, organising a network of farmers/producers (online platform), as well as holding workshops, gatherings and exchanges.
AGROGAIA is a project aimed at all the residents of Vila Nova de Gaia, since everyone will be able to benefit as a consumer or producer/farmer, and will be able to take advantage of the local markets that will be set up at strategic points in the municipality, with the aim of responding to the population's need with the growing demand for local products.

- Nº de beneficiários abrangidos (agricultores, produtores, consumidores)
- >500persons 2 anos
Os beneficiários do projeto dizem respeito a agricultores, produtores, mão de obra agrícola e consumidores que usufruíram de aconselhamento, formação, workshops, visitas de campo e mercados locais.
Target12 ● 5Substantially reduce waste generation
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification