ACADEMIC BOOST - Impulso Mais Digital
#Instituição de ensino
The aim of this project is to promote success and reduce dropout rates in higher education, enabling students to find decent work in the medium to long term and boosting economic growth. The project's specific objectives are to facilitate the integration, adaptation and academic success of students, to develop digital tools for monitoring, forecasting and early warning of likely dropout and/or failure, to promote the modernisation of teaching and pedagogical innovation, as well as to value academic merit and support student training. In this sub-measure, actions that promote the academic success of higher education students are eligible, with the aim of reducing the levels of failure and dropout in higher education, especially in the first year of higher education, as well as anticipating and acting preventively in situations of potential dropout, especially in the case of students enrolled in the first year for the first time. This project aims to encourage the development of mechanisms to support the academic integration of new students and promote their success, especially through mentoring and peer support mechanisms, the adoption of innovative teaching and learning practices, the diversification of teaching methodologies and technological tools, the prediction of dropout situations and the strengthening of self-learning and teamwork practices.

Project information
- Promoter:
- Instituição de ensino
- No. of people reached:
- ≥ 10000
- Development Status:
- In fructification