Rotaeco Academy

#Porto #Outro #sustentabilidade #jovens #universitários #informação clara

The Rotaeco Academy is aimed at young university students in Porto and comes in the wake of the current climate crisis, which is becoming increasingly worrying. Despite being a central issue, we have a parallel problem that involves a lack of information and/or the existence of fake news. Therefore, there is a prevailing ignorance about sustainable habits that led to the need for this academy, which had its first edition in Mar-Apr 2022 and will have at least one annual edition.

The academy is divided into 4 modules: What is the problem? What has been done? What changes can we make? What changes will I make? Higher education students were and are its target audience, as they will be the young people who will suffer the consequences if behaviour is not significantly reversed.

The academy's aim is to provide all participants with the information they need to be able to clearly understand the problem, as well as the policies already adopted and what is being done to mitigate it.

Nº de participantes
persons per year

A academia teve 51 inscritos, tendo a sua maioria frequentado assiduamente as sessões dos vários módulos.

13 3
Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change
Nº de parceiros presentes
organizações per year

Acreditamos que a cooperação é fundamental para o sucesso de qualquer projeto e, como o ODS 17 reflete, é a única forma de conseguirmos cumprir os objetivos e metas estabelecidos para 2030.

17 17
Encourage effective partnerships
Nº de participantes com plano individual de mudança
persons per year

A Academia pretende incentivar a mudança dos jovens e, portanto, no final são desafiados a elaborar o seu plano individual de mudança.

8 6
Promote youth employment, education and training
Project information
No. of people reached:
25 – 100
Development Status:
Taking root