#Reinserção profissional
#Criação de Negócio Próprio
#Atelier de Costura
#Entrevistas de Emprego
#Personal Trainer
#Inclusão Social
#Soft Skills.
The main aim of the INcluir Project is to respond to the main needs of the most vulnerable unemployed population in the parish of Rio Tinto by providing an innovative, sustained and individualised response. According to the most recent IEFP data, Rio Tinto has 2343 unemployed people as of September 2020. When we want to intervene in a problem, we need to broaden our field of vision and understand its intersectionalities. This is one of the principles of this project, to go beyond the surface of unemployment with specific responses for people who have more than one condition of vulnerability in the parish. For this reason, the project was designed for the unemployed population, in a macro context, but also and always focussed on the specific needs of two population groups (micro context): immigrants, unemployed victims of domestic violence and the short and long-term unemployed with low educational qualifications.
- Integração Profissional
- 40persons per year
Capacitação de pessoas na procura ativa de emprego - realização de currículos, preparação para entrevistas de trabalho, encaminhamento para formação, partilha de vivências, ocupação de tempos livres
Target10 ● 3Ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination - Criação de Negócio Próprio
- 20persons per year
Apoio técnico no desenvolvimento de projetos de criação do próprio emprego através do reforço do empreendedorismo, estruturação do projeto, elaboração de planos de investimento e de negócio.
Target8 ● 3Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises
Project information
- Website:
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification