"Health for the Community" Project aimed at the health and well-being of immigrant communities

#Lisboa #Associação #saúde #prescrição social #bem-estar psicossocial
This project aims to build a group of "Community Health Workers", a network of mentors from the different communities in the area covered by the Parish Councils of Sta. Maria Maior, São Vicente and Arroios, enabling them to mediate in the area of health in their own languages, in order to reach a larger number of migrants. The aim of this initiative is to make migrant residents feel physically and mentally healthy and to inform them about access to health services in the context of the pandemic, prevention, advice in case of confinement or infection, and support for those who have had COVID-19. This project also focuses on mediation between users and Health Centres, on preventive medicine, on care for children, young people, adults of working age, women and the elderly in an inclusive perspective, without barriers or discrimination. The development of healthy habits, personal hygiene and the practice of physical exercise are an integral part of the project,
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification