+ Efficiency - Energy Renewal in the IPSS, Municipalities, Associations and Collectivities

#Portalegre #Junta de Freguesia
The "+EFICIENCY" project was applied for in the PPEC - Plan for Promoting Efficiency in Electricity Consumption 2021, is financed by ERSE - Energy Services Regulatory Authority, and aims to implement energy efficiency improvement measures, namely:
  • Replacement of existing lighting systems by systems with LED technology
  • Installation of a kit composed of a system for the production of Sanitary Hot Water using a heat pump supported by a photovoltaic solar system in detriment of existing systems that run on natural gas.
Portalegre Municipal Council integrated this project with the Municipal Workshops of Portalegre and the Municipal Stadium of Portalegre
Project information
Junta de Freguesia
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
Taking root