Monitoring of Water Quality in Public Fountains in the County of Fornos de Algodres

#Fornos de Algodres #qualidade da água #fontanários públicos #monitorização
Fornos de Algodres Town Hall in partnership with Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (IPG), signed a cooperation protocol - unanimously approved in a Town Hall Meeting -, for the collection and monitoring of water quality in fountains selected by the Council Presidents. This protocol extends to all the population of the County of Fornos de Algodres. The protocol, which lasts until December 2021, aims to survey the characteristics of all public fountains in the county of Fornos de Algodres, monitoring water quality in partnership with LABMIA of the Polytechnic of Guarda and raise awareness of the population for the importance of water quality of public fountains in everyday consumption, safeguarding public health and efficient use of this natural resource. A project thinking about the welfare of people.
N.º de colheitas anuais
mês 3 em 3 meses

Ao longo de cada ano são realizadas 144 recolhas de água, pelo Laboratório do IPG, nos fontanários do Concelho de Fornos de Algodres.

N.º de análises conformes

Aumentar em cada ano a qualidade de água de, pelo menos, um fontanário inserido no projeto.