Good practices promoted by municipalities
Most relevant Good Practices
LIFE Águeda – Rio de Todos (missing translation)
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for the Municipality of Seixal (PAESC)
Seixal Municipal Library Educational Activities Programme
Seixal Official Collection Centre for Companion Animals (CROACS)
Bathing Rescue System
Matosinhos Surf School Cup
Fish Rally
Blue flag beaches
Semana do Clima (missing translation)
Aspiring Geopark Algarvensis
Promoting the Reconciliation of Professional, Family and Personal Life
Healthy Seixal Project
Municipal Education Plan
Guimarães 2030: Governance Ecosystem
Municipal Contingency Plan for Periods of Drought
Tasting Matosinhos
Escolicidade" platform
Municipal Education for Sustainability Programme
Support for the Seixal Eco-Schools Programme
Together for Art
Internal and External Training Plan
Leça Green Corridor
ReFlorestar municipal programme
Mata de Vilar - Lousada's lung
Poetry Festival
ECO - Involving by Creating Opportunities - CLDS 4G
Seixal Games
Seixal Municipal Housing Plan (PMHCS) 2021 - 2026
Social May
Matosinhos Network for Intervention in Domestic and Family Violence (RIV)
Regular Activities
LeV - Travelling Literature
Carbon neutrality
Vegetable garden on the doorstep
Loulé Municipal Climate Action Plan
Seixal ON
Loulé Design Lab (missing translation)
Zero Waste Movement
Casa das Videiras - Environmental Education Centre
Gabinete de apoio à Família e à Parentalidade (missing translation)
Loulé Solar Programme
Career guidance in Matosinhos schools
Northern Regional Network for the Support and Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking (THB)
Eco-Schools Programme
School Energy Community
Plano Local de Ação Integrada do Município de Loulé (missing translation)
Rent subsidy
School Psychology Support Programme (PAPE)
Ponds with Life
Solidarity Market
Partnership Network of Institutions for Combating Economic Precarity (RPICPE) - Food support
Local Volunteer Bank of Loulé
Social Development Support Programme
Youth Volunteering - Forest Surveillance
Environmental Centre (CA) - Loulé and Pena Centres
Arbor Day / International Day of Forests
Happy API - Learn, Prevent and Include_CLDS4G
Projeto I&D – Interculturalidade e Desenvolvimento (missing translation)
Social Canteen Network
Homelessness Planning and Intervention Centre - NPISA in Matosinhos
DDD - Dias da Dança Festival
Inventorying biodiversity in local protected areas
Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Pombal 2030 (missing translation)
Seixal +
Cascais Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan
Walk the dog" programme
Xmas Trail
Sustainability, Forests, Biodiversity and Rural Development Agenda 2020-2025
Plano de Ação para a Energia Sustentável e Clima Torres Vedras 2050 | PAESC (missing translation)
Pombal Mais Autóctone (missing translation)
Chocolate Festival
Agita Seixal
Social Housing Programme
National Reading Competition - Municipal Phase
Joining the Municipalities for Peace Movement
Career Education
Educational Concerts
Gaia + Inclusive
Animal Welfare Plan
Eco-Freguesias XXI (missing translation)
Orçamento Participativo de Pombal (missing translation)
Surfing4Family (missing translation)
Safe Village Safe People
Avós em Rede (missing translation)
The Museum is older than me
Ponte de Sor Aeronautical Cluster
Coastwatch Portugal
Blue Centre
Training and Innovation
Re-Value: Integrated urban planning for neutrality
Assessment and Nutrition Offices
Animating Matosinhos
Markets Journal
Matosinhos Holiday Camps
Requalificação da rede escolar (missing translation)
PEGADAS Environmental Education Programme
Loulé Local Climate Action Monitoring Council
Expresso Poesia - poetic laboratories
Funchal Active City
Volunteers for Nature - LIFE Volunteer Escapes Project
Voluntary actions to clean up riverside areas
2% is H2O
Miniflorestas nas escolas do concelho de Loulé (método Miyawaki) (missing translation)
Dolphin Fair
Loulé: Sustainable Events
Metropolitan Biodiversity Park
Pombal Municipality Digital Desk
From the market to the plate
Save the language of Camões!
Elderly-Friendly City
Employability Days
PO APMC - Operational Programme to Support the Most Deprived People
Matosinhos World's Best Fish (WBF)
MIMepe - Intervention Methodology in Matosinhos - Pre-school Education
Classification of a Protected Area: Foz do Almargem and Trafal Local Nature Reserve (RNL)
Loulé Local Housing Strategy 2019-2030
A day in the countryside....
Environment Week - Serra das Meadas Biological Park
Reforestation action in Góis
Programas de Voluntariado Jovem de Verão (missing translation)
Torres Vedras Municipal Council for Climate Action
Shop Nursery
Zambujinho's travels
Offering books on climate change
Preventing corruption
Reabilitação do Bairro Municipal (missing translation)
Municipal Consumer Information Centre (CIAC)
Creative Seixal
Eco Benefit App
City Caretaker
Pedagogical Activities Programme "Visit by Playing"
Loulé Municipal Urban Gardens
Novos Programas de Habitação (missing translation)
Establishment of the Urban Rehabilitation Area (ARU) for the municipality of Torres Vedras
The Bird For All
Planos de Ação para a Regeneração Urbana nos Centros Históricos de Loulé e Quarteira (missing translation)
Seixal Economic Activity Parks
Ecological recovery of classified areas in the municipality of Viana do Castelo
Action Plan for Energy and Climate Sustainability
Speech Therapy in Matosinhos schools
Sports Development Support Programme
Electric Vehicle Charging
Youth Citizenship Competition
Firefighter's Social Card
Matosinhos Caring
Festival Internacional de Ciência 22 (missing translation)
Sete escolas do concelho com iluminação 100% LED (missing translation)
Seixal Municipal Urban Garden Network
Consumption Efficiency Promotion Plan (PPEC) - 7th edition
Implementation of electronic invoicing for school meals
Bandeira Verde ECOXXI (missing translation)
Góis Popular Marches
Christmas portraits
Civil Protection Month
Dream Suitcase Project
Reading booth
Participatory Budgeting
Safe Villages and People in the Municipality of Góis
Saints, Honey and Chestnut Fair
Challenging Playgrounds" project
RESERVA | Fórum de Inovação de Gastronomia e Vinho (missing translation)
St Peter's Fair
Climate Journey - Torres Vedras
Local Housing Strategy | ELH Tavira 2021 - 2030
Ocean Spirit Pedagogical Tent
Municipal Youth Card
Knowledge Workshops
SIT FLEXI - Flexible Transport at the Request of the Intermunicipal Community
Mercado Medieval (missing translation)
Leiria Environmental Interpretation Centre
Environmental Education Plan
Azambuja Integra
Alertinha Academy
Albergaria-a-Verde" Municipal Sustainability Strategy
Security Workshop
Festa dos Saberes e Sabores do Douro (missing translation)
VinDouro | Wine and Histoty | Festa Pombalina (missing translation)
Lousã Official Animal Collection Centre (CROAL)
Cozinha Partilhada de Salir (missing translation)
Brincando e Aprendendo (missing translation)
Bora Lá Brincar - Playing in the Educating City
Mills - Training for Innovation
Espaço Salpico (missing translation)
Citizen Spaces
If I Were the Sea
Loulé Solidarity Municipal Regulation
Families at the Museum
Certification - Integrated Management System (Quality, Environment and Reconciliation)
aspiring Geopark West
Preservação do Ruivaco-do-Oeste (missing translation)
Hydro-agricultural development of the Sizandro and Alcabrichel rivers
Smart Farm Colab (missing translation)
Guimarães Bio-waste Management Plan
Gaia Ciência Viva School
Praias Inclusivas com o sistema ColorADD (missing translation)
Observatório Municipal de Ambiente e Território de Loulé (missing translation)
Loulé Criativo (missing translation)
Territorializando os ODS (missing translation)
Cornélias Lousada Bike-Sharing
European Mobility Week
Municipal Programme for Inclusion and Development - PMID
Blue Flag Beach
Local Councillor for Gender Equality
Pateira de Frossos Interpretation Centre
Workshops in the school holidays
Projeto VITALIZAR (missing translation)
Municipal Used Cooking Oil Collection Network
School Libraries
Local Support Network for Young People Leaving Care Homes in Matosinhos
Matosinhos Municipal Equality Plan 2022-2025
TAD - Home telecare
Matosinhos =Equal
Energy Efficiency in Municipal Swimming Pools and Pavilions
V.E.M. - Volunteering in Matosinhos
Seniors in Safety
Nelas Senior University
Neighbourhood Tutors Programme
Valongo Youth Participatory Budget (OPJV)
Balcão BUPI (missing translation)
Lousada Christmas Village
Mata de Vilar Senior Volunteer Programme
Cultural Cycle: Mata de Vilar Concerts
Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável - sessão prática (missing translation)
A minha Rua (missing translation)
Municipal Energy Saving and Efficiency Guide
Travelling Literature
Story Time: "Tell Me Stories"
Echoes of the Past: Between Conversations and Keys | Conect@ndo
The project "Old are the Threads and Rags that produce Art "
Get going" programme
European Week for Waste Reduction
Inclusive Beaches - ColorADD System
Local Housing Strategy (2022-2028)
Local Youth Incentive Scheme - SLIJ Góis Card
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination - PMIND (2022-2025)
European Heritage Days
Exhibition Space 'Góis Trout Cycle - Monteira Park'
Conversas de Turismo Sustentável e os ODS - Desafios e Oportunidades (missing translation)
European Week of Sport
Echoes of the Past: Cycle of Stitches and Stories | Atelier of Manual Arts and Decoration
Civil Protection in Oeiras Schools
Climate Action Platform (CAP)
Exibição Exposição itinerante “ODS em Movimento” (missing translation)
Eco-Schools Programme: Municipality partners with EB2,3/S José Silvestre Ribeiro in Idanha-a-Nova
Santa Catarina Annual Fair
Sado Invites
Born and raised in Torres Vedras
ECO XXI - Sustainable Municipalities
Municipal Consumer Information Centre (CIAC)
ECOXXI Programme
OdeTE Roadmap
Upper Sousa Local Protected Landscape
PR4 - From Dinosaurs to Rock
Implementation of the PAYT system in waste management in Guimarães
Plastic Free Municipal Market
Human Power Hub | Centro de Inovação Social de Braga (missing translation)
The museum and the school - discovering the municipality
ODSlab Braga (missing translation)
Hortas do Mar (missing translation)
Setúbal Environment Days
Lousada Guarda RIOS
Planting Lousada
Gabinete de Apoio ao Agricultor (missing translation)
Mercado da Nossa Terra (missing translation)
Biblioteca Municipal - Bibliomóvel (missing translation)
"The King says... Play"
Tempo de Férias (missing translation)
Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Public Procurement
Viana Young People with Talent
Implementation of ISO 20400 - Sustainable Purchasing in the Municipality of Lisbon
Humanising school playgrounds
Project LEIA - Assisted Reading
Bibliomóvel - Travelling Library
Green Seal
Azambuja Literary Competition
Planning and Monitoring System for the Strategic Plan for Social Development (PEDS)
Invest4Nature - The economics of nature-based solutions: cost-benefit analysis, market development and financing
Urban ReLeaf - Citizen-powered data ecosystems for inclusive and green urban transitions
National Training Centre
For You If You're Not Missing
Community vineyards and orchards
Joining the Portuguese Network of Healthy Municipalities
Biobairros "Lourinhã Compost for All!"
Lagoons and Ponds of the River Ave
Green Brigades
Loulé Senior Mobile Workshop - The Town Hall Closer to the Citizen
Mercadinho de Loulé (missing translation)
Espaço Cidadão Loulé (missing translation)
Pressreader - online service with free access to 7,000 online publications (newspapers and magazines)
Free Books Project
AlertaTvedras (missing translation)
Participatory Budgeting
Renovation of dilapidated housing
Praias Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Praias Qualidade de Ouro (missing translation)
Guimarães Brand
Set.Up In(dustry) Business Idea Acceleration and Industrial Incubation Programme
Loulé's Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Redução de Perdas Reais nas Redes de Distribuição (missing translation)
Municipal Plan for the Defence of the Forest against Fire in the Municipality of Seixal - PMDFCI Seixal
Rehabilitate Your Building Programme
Cursed Poetry
Portuguese Sign Language Interpreting Service
Mezio River Interpretation Centre - Tapada Mill
Resilience interventions for territories in the face of risk
World Grandparents Day
Solidarity Squares" Community Christmas Tree
Growing Holidays" Programme - ATL Summer Holidays
Made in Torres Vedras
Compostim" project
Growing up playing
Matosinhos in Jazz" Festival
The Pirates in Leça da Palmeira (Historical Recreation)
Albergaria-a-Velha Official Animal Collection Centre (CROAA)
Sustainable Waste
Virtual Museum of Maritime Memory
Open week for families - speech therapy
World Wine Tourism Day
Wine Cluster - Promotion
Permanent and temporary exhibitions
Contracts for the refurbishment and renovation of buildings and homes in the municipality
Everybody dance
Matosinhos Jazz Orchestra
Classical Music Cycles - Concerts with the Matosinhos String Quartet (QCM)
Piano cycle
Urban Rehabilitation Areas in the Municipality of Seixal
Guided/special visits (literary, dramatised, animated, etc.)
Q2 (Museum open until midnight) and V+ (Seasonal visit)
Vale de Milhaços Gunpowder Factory Biodiversity Enhancement Plan
Municipal Forum against Domestic Violence
Municipal Plan for the Integration of Roma Communities (PLICC) in Matosinhos
Unidade de Missão da Energia da Câmara Municipal (missing translation)
Training + Next: Urban Planning and Tourism
Career Camp
Waste Guide
Arts Support Programme
Aquisição de viaturas para primeira intervenção de combate a incêndios (missing translation)
Intermunicipal Victim Support Office
Cleaning and unblocking water lines
Act LocaL
Aim for Earth
Living Laboratory for Decarbonisation - Águeda Sm@rt City Lab
Landscape Laboratory
Environmental Educational Offer
Beaches certified to ISO 13009 standard
Balcão BUPI descentralizado nas freguesias (missing translation)
Annual edition of Oppidum magazine
Autumn comedies
Acoustic evenings
Youth Participatory Budgeting - Lousada
Vilar Forest's Green Giant Sponsorship Programme
Reconversion of green lawn areas
Senior Academy
Temporary Accommodation - Stella Maris de Leixões Protocol
Distribuição Gratuita de Produtos de Higiene Menstrual (missing translation)
FOODCLIC - Integrated Urban Food Policies
Avaliação, Mapeamento e Valorização dos Serviços Ecossistémicos do concelho de Loulé (missing translation)
Sanitation network
Projeto Peixes Nativos (missing translation)
TORRES INOV-E (missing translation)
Funchal Active City
Castelo de Vide Municipal Climate Action Plan
Municipal Footpath Network
Raiano Youth Card
Raiano Card +65
Volunteer Bank of the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Social Network - Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Participatory Budgeting of the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Idanha + Bébé" educational project for municipal crèches
Beira Baixa Intermunicipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan: Idanha-a-Nova, Castelo Branco, Oleiros, Penamacor, Proença-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão
Rural Incubator at Herdade da Várzea
Idanha-a-Nova joins the National Network of Glyphosate-Free Municipalities
Mobile Citizen Space in Idanha-a-Nova
Idanha-a-Nova Mobile Health Unit
Tagus/Tajo International Biosphere Reserve: Idanha-a-Nova; Castelo Branco and Vila Velha de Ródão and 14 Spanish Municipalities
UNESCO World Naturtejo Geopark: Municipalities of Idanha-a-Nova; Castelo Branco; Nisa; Oleiros; Penamacor; Proença-a-Nova; Vila Velha de Ródão
Online Services Portal of the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Idanha-a-Nova Bioregion
Participatory Budgeting in Angra do Heroísmo
Programa de Sensibilização e Educação para a Redução dos Riscos - Educar para a Prevenção (missing translation)
Cadaval Municipal Museum - Castanholas Museum Centre
Estratégia de Educação e Sensibilização Ambiental do Município de Setúbal (missing translation)
Cadaval Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Ligados à Comunidade Geramos Sustentabilidade (missing translation)
Busca Polos - Youth and Family Support Office
Energy Efficiency in Public Infrastructures - Social Neighbourhoods
Urban Dinosaur Show
Intervention in the "Orientation at Sea" Museum Space
Every Word...An Art
Pragal Microforest
"Listening to the People, Building the Future"
Municipal Youth Council (CMJL)
Dr Louzã Henriques Ethnographic Museum
Urban Mobility System
Innovation and Strategic Planning Office (GI&PE) - CEI and CEI+ projects
Municipal Ombudsman for People with Disabilities
Senior Municipal Plan
Native Fish
A More Sustainable Mafra
Resilient Cities
Silver City
Educational Projects Fair
Joining the ODS Alliance Portugal
SAF - Family Support Service
Natural Learning
Voice of the youth
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAAC)
Cascais Community Gardens Manual
School gardens
Community gardens in Cascais
ECOXXI Green Flag Programme
Recycling for Environmental Gain
(RE) New Clothes!
Student Centre
Cities of Affections
Socio-educational courses
Books to the West" Literary Festival
Senior Gymnastics
Brand Lourinhã
Programme + Contigo
School Fruit Programme
Visual and hearing screening
Lourinhã Library Network
StartUp Lourinhã
Guide to good sustainability practices for industrial parks
Rehabilitation of the dunes at Praia Areia Branca - Preservation of the natural heritage
Give Your Voice a Voice - Digital Platform of the Child-Friendly City Programme
Urgezes Circular
Educating Cities
"Knowing what I eat"
Joining the ODS Alliance Portugal
Torres Vedras Citizen's Bureau and the municipality's Citizen's Centres
Milan Pact - Urban Food Policy
BioCantina Transfer Network
Health Cluster
Disposal of bottles and cans for recycling
Coastal protection of Santa Cruz Sul - Formosa and Azul beaches
Urban Regeneration Action Plan (PARU)
Inclusive accessibility in Praça 25 de Abril
Voltas' bus
Torres Vedras LabCentre
European Capital of the Social Economy 2021
Torres Vedras e-Business
Torres Vedras Tourism Portal
Water Safety Plan
Installation of SMAS public standpipes
Rivers Laboratory +
Learning Labs / Classrooms of the Future
I walk to school
Programa de combate às plantas invasoras (missing translation)
Plano de ação para a sustentabilidade energética e climática do Município de Pombal (missing translation)
Condomínio de aldeias localizadas em territórios de floresta no Concelho de Pombal – Ramalhais (missing translation)
Highlight(s) from the Goiás Memory Reference Centre - CRMG
Equipamentos com a promoção de ações de Educação Ambiental (missing translation)
Mouth in bloom
Initial Spanish Training
Social Assistance and Monitoring Service - SAAS Matosinhos
Village Condominiums
Oeiras Educa+ (missing translation)
Eco-Escolas (missing translation)
Lousada International Camellia Festival
A Tree Gives Life" campaign
Chegada da Primavera ao Centro Histórico (missing translation)
Sustainability in Municipal Markets
Forest School in Lousada (Pilot)
Mel “Mata de Vilar” (missing translation)
Mobile application for georeferencing and characterising water and sanitation leaks
International Intangible Cultural Heritage Day
Corrida Sempre Mulher" Solidarity Walk
Safe Internet
Free Pet Sterilisation Campaign
Góis Municipal Civil Protection Emergency Plan - PMEPC de Góis
FLII - Inland International Literary Festival "Words of Fire"
Portuguese for foreigners and English for Portuguese sessions
Municipal Teleworking Space: Góis Coworking
Góis Book Fair - 26th edition
Knitting and Labour Club
1st Active and Healthy Ageing Days
Water and Waste Pedagogical Service of the Municipal Water and Sanitation Services (SMAS)
Educational Service of the Environmental Education Centre
Cycling without age
Experimenta-te (missing translation)
Tavira Senior Month
Tavira Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants | PMIM Tavira
Homelessness Planning and Intervention Centre | NPISA Tavira
DTV Active Tourism
Requalification and Maintenance of Games and Recreation Areas
Municipal Waste Oil Collection Network
Beach "Accessible Beach Flag - Beach for All!"
Casa da Cidadania Salgueiro Maia (missing translation)
Emigrant Support Office (GAE)
Inclusive Ticket Office
Observatory goes to school
"We are entitled to our rights"
European Mobility Week
Plano Municipal de Leitura Ambiente (missing translation)
Implementação de Eco-Ilhas na vila de S. João da Pesqueira (missing translation)
Social Card for the Elderly
Marginal Festival - Garden Party
Playing Street
Sunday walks
Seixal Municipal Social Charter
Citizen's Bureau of the Municipality of Seixal
Tertulias "Let's ask questions about..."
Seixal Film Club
Fauna and Flora Inventory
Love of Art
Social Participation Programme for Children and Young People in Social Vulnerability
Be Part of It - Torres Vedras Youth
Recovery of the Blue Forests
Virtual School Card - JI and EB1
Job Exchange
Professional Insertion Office (GIP)
FaMa - Matosinhos Handicraft Fair
School guardian
Key of Affections
Internet Space
Compost - Home and Community Composting
European waste prevention week
Get Moving®
Guimarães Ecological Footprint Project - Calculation of the municipality's Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity
REACTivar Guimarães - Renaturalisation of the Ave, Selho and Vizela River Green Corridors
Guimarães Gymnastics Academy
Torres Vedras Social Network
Landscape and environmental regeneration of the Amiais Ditch
Professional Insertion Office for the borough's coastal parishes
Renewal of the municipal fleet
Curricular Enrichment Activities (AEC) for primary school children
Support programmes for physical activity
BioHorta Escolar" programme
Projeto Mochila Leve (missing translation)
Projeto Jovens em Movimento (JM) (missing translation)
Programa de Educação Ambiental para as escolas (PEA) (missing translation)
Buy In Águeda
Gaia Learns + i
Mexa-se para a Vida – Desporto Sénior (missing translation)
Made in Funchal
Public School Textbook Network
Environmental Days
Apprentice for 1 Day - Lousada
Celorico de Basto Social Shop
"There's a Party in the Park
Compostagem Comunitária nos Recintos Escolares (missing translation)
Social Network Programme
Social Shop
Lousã "Cidade" Educadora
Ginja Project, Guru of Emotions
SOS van
Helphone - Help for those who live alone
Circular Cities Networks - Urban Economy for Circularity
Transfer of Powers from Municipalities to Parish Bodies
Shadow islands
Sports in the Educational Community
Exercise, Health and Well-being in the Third Age
Rede de Bibliotecas Municipais (RBM) (missing translation)
Plano Municipal para o Controlo e Prevenção da Bactéria Legionella (missing translation)
Out of the bin - Menstrual products
Municipal Used Cooking Oil (UCO) Collection Network
Festival Pombalino e Estátuas Vivas Barrocas (missing translation)
Quinta Pedagógica dos Olivais (CML)
Sea Fashion
Casa da Bicharada - Official Collection Centre for Companion Animals Setúbal
BioEscola 360° Challenge
Work-life Balance Management System
Archaeology goes to school
The Sea Starts Here
Bowing Project
The poet makes himself
Evening at the Market
Bread Festival
Tap water
Vila Festival - Lousada
Lousada Gastronomic Weekend
Planting trees in urban areas
Blue Centre | Beach Library
Aproveitamento de Água de Origens Alternativas (missing translation)
Unidades Locais de Proteção Civil (missing translation)
Festival Côa Summer Fest (missing translation)
Espaço Cidadão nas Juntas de Freguesia (missing translation)
Partnership Protocol - ARCIL (Góis Centre)
Once upon a time... Reading and Writing the World of Fantasy" project
Sustainable Lousada Environmental and Research Fund
Conselho Municipal de Educação de Oeiras (missing translation)
Municipal Regulations for Granting Subsidies
CULGÓIS - Cultural Agenda
Echoes of the Past: Between Conversations and Keys | Digital Literacy
Social Diagnosis of the Municipality of Góis 2024
Góis Municipal Bulletin
Living Equally Award 2024
Plano Agir - Torres Vedras (missing translation)
Apartamentos de transição - Casa da Esperança, Casa dos Corações e Apartamento ASAS (missing translation)
Space for Incubation and Hosting of Economic Activities in Ameixial
Senior Age Group | GIS Tavira
Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants | CLAIM Tavira
Loulé Safe Heart
Educational Programmes of the UNESCO World Geopark Naturtejo - in partnership with the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Move Ojovem
Health Unit+
Pintar e Cantar os Reis (missing translation)
Programa AaZ - Ler Melhor, Saber Mais (missing translation)
Oeiras Educating City
Municipal Study Support Centre Programme
Brincar e Crescer Saudável em Oeiras (missing translation)
Indoor Air Quality Assessment
POM - Municipal Operational Plan
CLAIM - Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Medicines Solidarity Network - abem programme
Decentralisation of the Social Action Service
Happy Neighbourhood Project
My Digital Neighbourhood - Amora
Mais Polinizadores, Mais Biodiversidade (missing translation)
Funchal Alert
House of the Inquisition - A Sensory Experience
Footprints in the Mira - Municipal Walking Project
Summer holiday camp
Bicho de 7 Cabeças - simple conversations about Mental Health
Inclusion Desk
School scheme programme
Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture Setúbal 2030
Health Space
Door-to-door separate collection
Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Work in Viana
UVA - Active Life University
Cineteatro Municipal - Cinema Sénior (missing translation)
Biblioteca Municipal - Hora do Conto (missing translation)
Viana do Castelo Urban Ecological Park
North Coast Observatory
Sea Centre
Viana do Castelo Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Centre
"Have lunch with me for my birthday"
Municipal Education Council
ATIVA-TE Programme
World Children's Day celebrations
Safe Village, Safe People programmes
Reforesting with Identity
Ecovia Litoral Norte
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Kindergarten social grants
Composting is Valuing
Municipal Youth Council
Joining the Mayors for Peace network
Sports Training
The Tit
Cascais Local Education Resource Guide
Family Activities
Keyboard Programme
“Inquieto” - Muito mais que um festival de música! (missing translation)
Lucanus - Journal of Environment and Society
Special Tariffs for Water Supply and Sanitation Services (TEAS) - Social and Family
Atlantic Breezes
Património Acessível – Cultural e Natural (missing translation)
Material Deprivation Support Resource Platform
Social grants for crèches
Education, information and awareness-raising on the beaches
Support for Social Responses in the Municipality of Ponte de Sor
Joining the National Network of Youth-Friendly Municipalities
Rede Social Oeiras (missing translation)
Digital Training Platform
Inclusive Matosinhos Programme
Networking Seniors
Mais Matosinhos" application
Politically Informed
Descubra o nosso concelho, a caminhar" (missing translation)
Implementation of the colourADD code
Study of Environmental Perceptions and Habits
Guimarães Educational Garden
Guimarães Municipality Bioresources Management Plan 2030
Guimarães More Forest
My lunch
Cinema at School
Speech Therapy
Purchase of waste scrapers
Implementation of the Loulé Municipality Online Services
The SDGs at the Loulé Municipal Library
Floresta Comum (missing translation)
Oeiras Victim Support Office
Zambujal Hillfort Enhancement Project
ÓNIS - Boleia para a Interculturalidade - Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants in the Municipality of Odivelas
Várzea Green Park open-air gymnasium
Investment in Torres Vedras Hospital
"Sports Friendly Municipality"
Conversion of Quinta do Passal
Seixal Territorial Pact for Intercultural Dialogue - Citizenship Space
Programme to subsidise works to conserve, repair or improve dilapidated housing
Management of a local protected area - Serras do Socorro e Archeira Local Protected Landscape (PPLSSA)
Guimarães Welcomes
Municipal Education Project
Funchal Alert
Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change | EMAAC
GEO24 LOULÉ Platform
Protocol of Co-operation between the Municipality of Tavira and Grouping 100 of Tavira of the National Scout Corps
SDGs and the 48 Municipal Measures in Viana do Castelo
Curricular Enrichment Activities for the 1st Cycle of Basic Education
Family Support Component (CAF) and Family Support Activities (AAAF)
Bio-canteens for healthy eating
Municipal Environmental Education Action Plan
Summer workshops
Eco-Schools Programme
CAEMPE - Business Welcome Centre for Micro and Small Enterprises
Cycle path
Magic Ark
SDG game
SDGs in Action in Faial
Municipal network of micro-reserves
ABAAE Partnership
Cultural Protocol 7Two 7Moons Association
Converting paper into food
Increase and renovation of shaded areas in schools
Green Solidarity
Age+ Club
Energy Sustainability Action Plan
A More Sustainable Mafra
Preparation of Environmental and Sustainability Projects for which the Municipality is responsible
ECOXXI application
Be More- Education through Art
PEAS - Environmental Education for Sustainability Programme
A New Energy for Sustainable Mobility
Programa de promoção dos transportes públicos urbanos (missing translation)
Pombal com melhorAR (missing translation)
Programa de Empreendedorismo nas Escolas (missing translation)
Collection of bio-waste (including coffee grounds) and door-to-door tri-flow
Serviço de Atendimento e Acompanhamento Social Integrado (SAASI) de Oeiras (missing translation)
Requalificação de espaço público (missing translation)
The CRO - Odemira Official Collection Centre for Companion Animals
Máquina de Separação de resíduos (missing translation)
Hostel Social de Oeiras (missing translation)
Move for your City! (CML)
Investor Counter
The Hospitallers on the Road to Santiago (Historical Recreation)
Community of Readers
Municipal Ombudsman for People with Disabilities
Forest Surveillance Protocols
Walk With a Doc Viana do Castelo
Oral Health: Care in emergency situations and social vulnerability
Summer Concerts (Municipal Library Gardens, Senhora da Hora and Leça da Palmeira)
Promoting socio-emotional competences
Child Brings Adult
Non-teaching staff training
Programa abem: Rede Solidária do Medicamento (missing translation)
Meetings with Authors
Local Volunteer Bank of Odemira
100% mobility
Economic Aid: School Social Action
Endurance Training
School Fruit Scheme
Fundo de Emergência Social (missing translation)
Plano Local de Oeiras para as Demências (missing translation)
Programa Hortas Urbanas de Oeiras (missing translation)
Municipal Health on Wheels Programme - Mobile Health Unit
COPE - por uma ação climática de base local (missing translation)
Chico Ceras Park - Leisure and Outdoor Gym [multigenerational space]
Reabilitação do Rio Ovil (missing translation)
ÁGUA + : Rega do Parque desportivo com água reciclada (missing translation)
Overnight Centre for Homeless People | New Opportunities - Tavira
Collaboration protocol between the Municipality of Tavira, the Algarve Hunters' Federation and the Hunting Associations and Clubs
Lousada 100% LED
Municipal Operational Plan
Viana do Castelo Municipal Environment and Climate Action Council (CMAAC VC)
Re-use of administrative material
Seixal Best - Tourism Entrepreneur Centre
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Semana Europeia da Mobilidade (missing translation)
Semana Europeia da Mobilidade (missing translation)
Sousa Molinological and Forest Park
PODCAST: "Setúbal, the Butterfly Effect"
Carrying out evacuation exercises and drills - improving preparedness in the event of a risk.
Apoio às Associações Juvenis (missing translation)
Percursos Pedestres (missing translation)
Apoio aos Esco(u)teiros e Guias (missing translation)
MIGRA to Idanha-a-Nova
Idanha-a-Nova Creative City of Music - UNESCO Creative Cities Network
Access to Quality Water for the entire population
Intercultural Municipal Mediators
Landscape Together
Fernanda Botelho Arts Programme
Plano Operacional Municipal (missing translation)
Celorico de Basto Municipal Youth Council
World Animal Day Celebration
Pedagogical garden at Cadaval Primary and Secondary School - Cadaval School Grouping
Plano Municipal para a Integração de Migrantes da Amadora (missing translation)
Home workshop
CLAIM - Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Nature Trails - Biospots and Biodiversity Stations
Social Radar
GAE - Emigrant Support Office
GIP - Professional Insertion Office
“Oeiras Experimenta” (missing translation)
PR2 - Looking at Montargil
Projeto Eixo Verde e Azul (missing translation)
PR3 - Along the Paths of the Battle of Vimeiro
ReSist - Municipal programme to promote the seismic resilience of private and municipal buildings and municipal urban infrastructures
Recuperação e reabilitação dos edifícios da Estação de Mondim de Basto e do seu património azulejar (missing translation)
Caldas da Rainha Library Network - RBCR
Árvore de Carbono (Carbon Tree) (missing translation)
ALBUS - Urban Transport of Albergaria-a-Velha
Semana Temática das Deficiências e Incapacidades (missing translation)
Extension of João de Deus Park
Food Education Programme
Accessible Tourism Guide - Setúbal Bay for Everyone
Guide to the rights and duties of pet owners
Tarouca Official Collection Centre
Nest House
First steps
Digital Transition Agenda
Honey and Chestnut Fair
Louzan Park
#viana-do-castelo - Educational Resources | Travelling Exhibitions
Travelling Library
"Dinner with My Parents in the School Restaurant"
"You choose lunch!"
Zero Carbon Sport
Making Music
Co-operation protocol for the ecological maintenance of classified areas in Viana do Castelo