Good practices promoted by municipalities


Most relevant Good Practices

LIFE Águeda – Rio de Todos (missing translation)
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for the Municipality of Seixal (PAESC)
Seixal Municipal Library Educational Activities Programme
Seixal Official Collection Centre for Companion Animals (CROACS)
Bathing Rescue System
Matosinhos Surf School Cup
Rally Fish
Blue flag beaches
Aspirante Geoparque Algarvensis Loulé-Silves-Albufeira (missing translation)
Promoção da Conciliação da Vida Profissional, Familiar e Pessoal (missing translation)
Plano de Formação Interna e Formação Externa (missing translation)
Healthy Seixal Project
Plano Educativo Municipal (missing translation)
Guimarães 2030: Ecosystem of Governance
Tasting Matosinhos
Scholasticity" platform
Semana do Clima (missing translation)
Municipal Education for Sustainability Programme
Seixal Eco-Schools Programme
Together through art
Leça Green Corridor
ReFlorestar municipal programme
Mucéu (missing translation)
Poetry Festival
ECO - Involving by Creating Opportunities - CLDS 4G
Seixal Games
Plano Municipal de Habitação do concelho do Seixal (PMHCS) 2021 - 2026 (missing translation)
May Social
Network for Intervention in Domestic Violence and Family Context of Matosinhos (RIV)
Regular Activities
LeV - Literature on the move
Carbon Neutrality
Kitchen garden at your door
Seixal ON
Loulé Design Lab
Local Volunteer Bank of Loulé
Career guidance in Matosinhos schools
Northern Regional Network for the Support and Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking (THB)
Eco-Schools Programme
Rent subsidy
Ponds with Life
Solidarity Market
Partnership Network of Institutions Fighting Against Economic Precariousness (RPICPE) - Food support
Classification of a Protected Area: Local Nature Reserve (RNL) of Foz do Almargem and Trafal
Social Development Support Programme
Arbor Day / International Day of Forests
Happy API - Learn, Prevent and Include_CLDS4G
Social Canteen Network
Homeless Planning and Intervention Nucleus - NPISA of Matosinhos
DDD - Dias da Dança Festival
Inventariação da Biodiversidade nas Paisagens Protegidas Locais da Rocha da Pena e da Fonte Benémola (missing translation)
Seixal + (missing translation)
Cascais Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change
Programa “Vá passear o cão” (missing translation)
Xmas Trail
Voluntariado Jovem – Vigilância Florestal (missing translation)
Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate Torres Vedras 2050 | PAESC
Chocolate Festival
Agita Seixal
Social Housing Programme
School Energy Community
Concurso Nacional de Leitura – Fase Municipal (missing translation)
Adesão ao Movimento Municípios pela Paz (missing translation)
Career Education
Digital Counter (Online Services)
Pedagogical Concerts
Gaia + Inclusive
O Museu é mais velho do que eu (missing translation)
Cluster Aeronáutico de Ponte de Sor (missing translation)
Blue Centre
Re-Value: Integrated town planning for neutrality
Assessment and Nutrition Offices
Animate Matosinhos
Markets Journal
Sustainability, Forests, Biodiversity and Rural Development Agenda 2020-2025
Matosinhos Holiday Camps
Environmental Centre (CA) - Loulé and Pena Poles
Programa de Educação Ambiental PEGADAS (missing translation)
Loulé Local Climate Action Monitoring Council
Expresso Poesia - poetic laboratories
Funchal Active City
Voluntários pela Natureza - Projeto LIFE Volunteer Escapes (missing translation)
Ações voluntárias de limpeza de áreas ribeirinhas (missing translation)
Feira dos Golfinhos (missing translation)
Parque Metropolitano da Biodiversidade (missing translation)
From Market to Plate
Save the language of Camões!
Friendly City for Senior Citizens
Employability Days
Operational Programme to Support the Most Deprived Persons
Matosinhos World's Best Fish (WBF)
MIMepe - Intervention Methodology in Matosinhos - Pre-School Education
Loulé Local Housing Strategy 2019-2030
Um dia no Campo.... (missing translation)
School Psychology Support Programme (PAPE)
Viveiro de Lojas (missing translation)
As viagens do Zambujinho (missing translation)
Offering books on climate change
Prevenção da corrupção (missing translation)
Rehabilitation of the Municipal Neighbourhood
Municipal Consumer Information Centre (CIAC)
Seixal Criativo (missing translation)
Eco Benefit App
City Caretaker
Pedagogical Activity Programme "Playful Visits
Urban Gardens of the Municipality of Loulé
New Housing Programmes
Establishment of the Urban Rehabilitation Area (ARU) of the municipality of Torres Vedras
The Bird for All
Recuperação ecológica de áreas classificadas no Município de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Terapia da Fala nas escolas de Matosinhos (missing translation)
Loulé: Eventos Sustentáveis (missing translation)
Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Desportivo (missing translation)
Electric Vehicle Charging
Young Citizenship Competition
Firefighters' Social Card
Matosinhos Caring
Seven schools in the municipality with 100% LED lighting
Rede de Hortas Urbanas do Município do Seixal (missing translation)
Zero Waste Movement
Consumption Efficiency Promotion Plan (PPEC) - 7th edition
Training and Innovation
Implementation of electronic invoicing for school meals
Knowledge Workshops
Centro de Interpretação Ambiental de Leiria (missing translation)
Plano de Educação Ambiental (missing translation)
Azambuja Integra (missing translation)
Academia do Alertinha (missing translation)
Albergaria-a-Verde" Municipal Sustainability Strategy
Oficina de Segurança (missing translation)
Shared Kitchen in Salir
Coastwatch Portugal
Project LEIA - Assisted Reading
Playing and Learning
Bora Lá Brincar - Playing in the Educating City
Mills - Training for Innovation
Citizen Spaces
If I Were Sea
Loulé Solidarity Municipal Regulation
Families at the Museum
aspirante Geoparque Oeste (missing translation)
Hydro-agricultural development of the Sizandro and Alcabrichel rivers
Plano de Gestão de Biorresíduos de Guimarães (missing translation)
Gaia's Ciência Viva School
Inclusive Beaches with ColorADD
Loulé Municipal Observatory for the Environment and Territory
Creative Loulé
Conselheira Local para a Igualdade de Género (missing translation)
Centro Interpretação da Pateira de Frossos (missing translation)
Workshops in the school holidays
Municipal Used Cooking Oil Collection Network
School Libraries
Local Support Network for Young People Leaving Foster Homes in Matosinhos
Matosinhos Municipal Plan for Equality 2022-2025
TAD - Home Teleassistance
Matosinhos =Equal
Energy Efficiency in Municipal Swimming Pools and Halls
V.E.M. - Volunteering in Matosinhos
Elderly people in safety
Safe and inclusive public spaces
Senior University of Nelas
Neighbourhood Tutors Programme
Upgrading the school network
Environmental Education Programme for schools (PEA)
Youth Participatory Budgeting of Valongo (OPJV)
Sado Convida (missing translation)
ECO XXI - Municípios Sustentáveis (missing translation)
Programa ECOXXI (missing translation)
Paisagem Protegida Local do Sousa Superior (missing translation)
PR4 - Dos Dinossauros à Rocha (missing translation)
Implementação do sistema PAYT na gestão de resíduos em Guimarães (missing translation)
Mercado Municipal Sem Plástico (missing translation)
Human Power Hub | Centro de Inovação Social de Braga (missing translation)
O museu e a escola - à descoberta do Concelho (missing translation)
Hortas do Mar (missing translation)
Setúbal Environment Days
Lousada Guarda RIOS (missing translation)
Planting Lousada
Implementação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) na Contratação Pública (missing translation)
Viana Jovens com Talento (missing translation)
Implementação da ISO 20400 – Compras Sustentáveis no Município de Lisboa (missing translation)
Humanising school playgrounds
Bibliomóvel - Travelling Library
Green Seal
Literary Competition of the Municipality of Azambuja
Planning and Monitoring System of the Strategic Social Development Plan (PEDS)
Invest4Nature - The economics of nature-based solutions: cost-benefit analysis, market development and financing
Urban ReLeaf - Citizen-powered data ecosystems for inclusive and green urban transitions
National Training Centre
For You If You Don't Miss
Community Vineyards and Orchards
Joining the Portuguese Healthy Municipalities Network
Biobarriers "Lourinhã Composting for All!"
Lagoons and Ponds of the River Ave
Green Brigades
Loulé Senior Mobile Workshop - The Town Hall Closer to the Citizen
Loulé Market
Citizen Space Loulé
Participatory Budgeting
Rehabilitation of degraded housing
Blue Flag Beaches
Golden Quality Beaches
Guimarães Marca (missing translation)
Set.Up In(dustry) Business Idea Acceleration and Industrial Incubation Programme
Action Plan for the Urban Rehabilitation of the Historic Centres of Loulé and Quarteira
Loulé's Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Redução de Perdas Reais nas Redes de Distribuição (missing translation)
Municipal Plan for the Defence of the Forest against Fire in the Municipality of Seixal - PMDFCI Seixal
Rehabilitate Your Building Programme
Cursed Poetry
Portuguese Sign Language Interpretation Service
Resilience interventions in the face of risk
Projeto "Compostim" (missing translation)
Crescer a Brincar (missing translation)
Matosinhos in Jazz" Festival
Os Piratas em Leça da Palmeira (Recriação Histórica) (missing translation)
Centro de Recolha Oficial de Animais de Albergaria-a-Velha (CROAA) (missing translation)
Oficinas (missing translation)
Museu Virtual de Memória Marítima (missing translation)
Semana aberta às famílias – terapia da fala (missing translation)
Dia Mundial do Enoturismo (missing translation)
Cluster dos Vinhos - Promoção (missing translation)
Exposições permanentes e temporárias (missing translation)
Everybody dance
Matosinhos Jazz Orchestra
Classical Music Cycles - Concerts with the Matosinhos String Quartet (QCM)
Piano cycle
Urban Rehabilitation Areas in the Municipality of Seixal
Guided/special visits (literary, dramatised, animated, etc.)
Q2 (Museum open until midnight) and V+ (Seasonal visit)
Vale de Milhaços Gunpowder Factory Biodiversity Enhancement Plan
Municipal Forum against Domestic Violence
Municipal Plan for the Integration of Roma Communities (PLICC) in Matosinhos
Training + Next: Urbanism and Tourism
Career Camp
Waste Guide
Support Programme for Young Local Artists
Acquisition of vehicles for first intervention fire fighting
Intermunicipal Office for Victim Support
Cleaning and clearing water lines
Agir LocaL
Sights of the Earth Roadmap
Youth on the Move (JM) Project
Live Laboratory for Decarbonisation - Águeda Sm@rt City Lab
Landscape Lab
Environmental Educational Offer
Certification of Beaches under ISO Standard 13009
Mercado Medieval (missing translation)
Academia Sénior (missing translation)
Alojamento Temporário - Protocolo Stella Maris de Leixões (missing translation)
Free Distribution of Menstrual Hygiene Products
FOODCLIC - Integrated Urban Food Policies
Assessment, Mapping and Valuation of Ecosystem Services in the Municipality of Loulé
Sanitation network
Funchal Cidade Ativa (missing translation)
Environmental Education and Awareness Strategy for the Municipality of Setúbal
Cadaval Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Born and raised in Torres Vedras
Ligados à Comunidade Geramos Sustentabilidade (missing translation)
Centro de Informação Autárquico ao Consumidor (CIAC) (missing translation)
Busca Polos - Gabinete de Apoio ao Jovem e à Família (missing translation)
Eficiência Energética nas Infraestruturas Públicas - Bairros Sociais (missing translation)
Mostra Urbana dos Dinossauros (missing translation)
Intervenção no Espaço Museológico “Orientação no Mar” (missing translation)
Cada Palavra…Uma Arte (missing translation)
Microfloresta do Pragal (missing translation)
EnvelheSeres (missing translation)
"Listening to the People, Building the Future"
"O Rei manda… Brincar" (missing translation)
Projetos CEI e CEI + / Gabinete de Inovação e Planeamento Estratégico (GI&PE) (missing translation)
Peixes Nativos (missing translation)
Mafra Mais Sustentável (missing translation)
Cidades Resilientes (missing translation)
Silver City
Educational Projects Fair
Joining the ODS Alliance Portugal
SAF - Family Support Service
Natural Learning
Voice of young people
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAAC)
Cascais Community Gardens Manual
School Gardens
Cascais Community Gardens
ECOXXI Green Flag Programme
Recycle for the Environment Win
(RE) New clothes!
Student at the Centre
Cities of Affections
Socio-Educational Courses
Books in the West" Literary Festival
Senior Gymnastics
Brand Lourinhã
Programme + With You
School Fruit Scheme
Visual and Hearing Screening
Lourinhã Libraries Network
StartUp Lourinhã
Sustainability best practice guide for the industrial park
Restoration of the dunes of Areia Branca Beach - Preservation of natural heritage
Give Your Voice a Voice - Digital Platform of the Child-Friendly City Programme
Urgezes Circular
Educating Cities
"Know what I eat"
Joining the SDG Portugal Alliance
The Torres Vedras Citizen Shop and the Council's Citizen Spaces
Milan Pact - Urban Food Policy
Rede de Transferência de BioCantinas (missing translation)
Health Cluster
Depositing bottles and cans for recycling
Preservation of the Western Ruivaca
Coastal Protection of Santa Cruz Sul - Formosa and Azul Beaches
Urban Regeneration Action Plan (PARU)
Inclusive accessibility in Praça 25 de Abril
Voltas' bus
Torres Vedras LabCenter
Smart Farm Colab
European Capital of Social Economy 2021
Torres Vedras e-Business
Torres Vedras Tourism Portal
Water Safety Plan
Installation of SMAS public standpipes
Rivers Laboratory +
Learning labs/classrooms of the future
I walk to school
Boca Em Flor (missing translation)
Formação Espanhol Inicial (missing translation)
Serviço de Atendimento e Acompanhamento Social – SAAS Matosinhos (missing translation)
Sustentabilidade nos Mercados Municipais (missing translation)
Gabinete de Apoio à pessoa Emigrante (GAE) (missing translation)
Bilheteira Inclusiva (missing translation)
"Temos direito aos nossos direitos" (missing translation)
Semana Europeia da Mobilidade (missing translation)
Cartão Social do Idoso (missing translation)
Plano Local de Ação Integrada do Município de Loulé (missing translation)
Festival Marginal - Festa no Jardim (missing translation)
Ações de sensibilização de Prevenção de Lesões Musculoesqueléticas (missing translation)
Playing Street
Passeios Domingueiros (missing translation)
Seixal Municipal Social Charter
Citizen's Bureau of the Municipality of Seixal
Tertulias "Let's ask questions about..."
Seixal Film Club
Inventariação de Fauna e Flora (missing translation)
Love of Art
Social Participation Programme for Children and Young People in Social Vulnerability
Take Part - Torres Vedras Jovem
Recovery of the Blue Forests
Virtual School Card - JI and EB1
Employment exchange
Professional Insertion Office (GIP)
FaMa - Matosinhos Handicrafts Fair
Guardian of the school
Key of Affections
Internet Space
Composting - Home and Community Composting
European Week for Waste Reduction
Get Moving®
Guimarães Ecological Footprint Project - Calculation of the municipality's Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity
REACTivar Guimarães - Renaturalisation of the Ave, Selho and Vizela River Green Corridors
Guimarães Gymnastics Academy
Torres Vedras Social Network
Landscape and environmental requalification of Vala dos Amiais
Professional Insertion Office for the Council's coastal parishes
Renovação da frota municipal (missing translation)
Curricular Enrichment Activities (AEC) for Primary School children
Physical activity support programmes
Programa “BioHorta Escolar” (missing translation)
Light Backpack Project
Buy in Águeda
Gaia Learns + i
Move for Life - Senior Sports
Made in Funchal
Public School Textbook Network
"Há Festa no Parque" (missing translation)
Programa Rede Social (missing translation)
Sour Cherry Project, Guru of Emotions
Carrinha SOS (missing translation)
Helphone – A ajuda para quem vive sozinho (missing translation)
Redes Cidades Circulares – Economia Urbana para a Circularidade (missing translation)
Centro Qualifica do Município de Oeiras (missing translation)
Quinta Pedagógica dos Olivais (CML) (missing translation)
Sea Fashion
Casa da Bicharada- Centro de Recolha Oficial de Animais de Companhia Setúbal (missing translation)
Work-life Balance Management System
Archaeology goes to school
The Sea Starts Here
Project Bowing
O Poeta faz-se (missing translation)
Oeiras Employment and Training Exchange
Oeiras Educa+
At Night at the Market
Festival do Pão (missing translation)
Centro Azul | Biblioteca de Praia (missing translation)
Oeiras Educating City
Municipal Study Support Centre Programme
Playing and Growing Healthy in Oeiras
My Digital Neighbourhood - Amora
Mais Polinizadores, Mais Biodiversidade (missing translation)
Mata de Vilar - O pulmão de Lousada (missing translation)
Praia Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Funchal Alerta (missing translation)
House of the Inquisition - A Sensory Experience
Salgueiro Maia Citizenship Centre
Footprints in the Mira - Municipal Walking Project
Summer holiday camp
Bicho de 7 Cabeças - simple conversations about Mental Health
Balcão da Inclusão (missing translation)
Casa FAROL (missing translation)
Consciente(mente) (missing translation)
Maré Inclusiva (missing translation)
School scheme programme
Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture Setúbal 2030
Espaço Saúde (missing translation)
Door-to-door separate collection
Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Rede Pública de Desfibrilhação Automática Externa (missing translation)
Rede de Apoio Alimentar (missing translation)
Work in Viana (missing translation)
UVA - Universidade Vida Ativa (missing translation)
Parque Ecológico Urbano de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Observatório do Litoral Norte (missing translation)
Centro de Mar (missing translation)
Centro de Monitorização e Interpretação Ambiental de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
"Have lunch with me for my birthday"
"Tempo de Férias" (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal da Educação (missing translation)
Programa ATIVA-TE (missing translation)
Comemorações do Dia Mundial da Criança (missing translation)
Programas Aldeia Segura, Pessoas Seguras (missing translation)
Reflorestar com Identidade (missing translation)
Ecovia Litoral Norte (missing translation)
Plano Municipal para Igualdade e Não Discriminação (missing translation)
Bolsa Sociais Jardim de Infância (missing translation)
Compostar é Valorizar (missing translation)
Municipal Youth Council
Adesão à rede Mayors for Peace (missing translation)
Formações Desportivas (missing translation)
The Tit
Cascais Local Education Resource Guide
Family Activities
Keyboard Programme
Lucanus - Journal of Environment and Society
Special Tariffs for Water Supply and Sanitation Services (TEAS) - Social and Family
Atlantic Breezes
Material Deprivation Support Resource Platform
Social Grants in Childcare
Education, information and awareness-raising on beaches
Support to Social Responses in the County of Ponte de Sor
Joining the National Network of Youth-Friendly Municipalities
Digital Platform of the Training Offer
Inclusive Matosinhos Programme
Seniors Networking
More Matosinhos" Application
Politically Informed
Implementation of the colourADD code
Study of Environmental Perceptions and Habits
Guimarães Educational Garden
Guimarães Municipality Bioresources Management Plan 2030
Guimarães More Forest
My lunch
Cinema at School
Acquisition of scrappers
Pressreader - online service providing free access to 7 000 online publications (newspapers and magazines)
Implementation of the Loulé Municipality Online Services
Victim Support Office of Oeiras
Enhancing the value of Castro do Zambujal
ÓNIS - Hitchhiking to Interculturalism - Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants in the Municipality of Odivelas
Várzea Green Park Open Air Gymnasium
Investment in Torres Vedras Hospital
"Municipality Friend of Sport
Reconversion of Quinta do Passal
Territorial Pact for Intercultural Dialogue in Seixal - Citizenship Space
Programme for Subsidising the Conservation, Repair and Improvement of Degraded Housing
Management of a local protected area - Paisagem Protegida Local das Serras do Socorro e Archeira (PPLSSA)
Guimarães Acolhe (missing translation)
Municipal Educational Project
Funchal Alert
Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change | EMAAC
Desenvolvimento de infraestruturas cicláveis e de parqueamento de bicicletas
Summer workshops
Ciclovia (missing translation)
Arca Mágica (missing translation)
Localmente (missing translation)
Jogo dos ODS (missing translation)
SDGs in Action in Faial
Rede municipal de micro-reservas (missing translation)
Parceria ABAAE (missing translation)
Protocolo Cultural Associação 7Sois 7Luas (missing translation)
Converter papel em alimentos (missing translation)
Aumento e renovação de zonas de sombreamento nas escolas (missing translation)
Greens in Solidarity
Age+ Club
Transfer of Competencies of Municipalities to Parish Councils
Action Plan for Energy Sustainability
More Sustainable Mafra
Elaboration of Projects in the Area of Environment and Sustainability, of the Municipality's Responsibility
ECOXXI application
Be More- Education through Art
PEAS - Environmental Education for Sustainability Programme
A new Energy for Sustainable Mobility
Mexe-te pela tua Cidade! (CML) (missing translation)
Balcão do Investidor (missing translation)
Os Hospitalários nos Caminhos de Santiago (Recriação Histórica) (missing translation)
Comunidade de Leitores (missing translation)
Provedor Municipal das Pessoas com Deficiência (missing translation)
Protocolos para Vigilância da Floresta (missing translation)
Walk With a Doc Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Saúde Oral: Cuidados em situações de emergência e vulnerabilidade social (missing translation)
Summer Concerts (Municipal Library Gardens, Senhora da Hora and Leça da Palmeira)
Promoting socio-emotional competences
Child Brings Adult
Training for Non-Teaching Staff
Meetings with Authors
Local Volunteer Bank of Odemira
100% Mobility
Economic Aids: School Social Action
Endurance Training
Regime de Fruta Escolar (missing translation)
Oeiras Local Dementia Plan
Programa Municipal Saúde Sobre Rodas - Unidade Móvel de Saúde (missing translation)
MarcoInvest (missing translation)
Plano Operacional Municipal (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal de Ambiente e Ação Climática de Viana do Castelo (CMAAC VC) (missing translation)
Reutilização de material administrativo (missing translation)
Home workshop
CLAIM - Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
PMID - Programa Municipal Para a Inclusão e Desenvolvimento (missing translation)
PR2 - Olhar Montargil (missing translation)
Projeto Eixo Verde e Azul (missing translation)
PR3 - Pelos Caminhos da Batalha do Vimeiro (missing translation)
ReSist - Programa municipal de promoção da resiliência sísmica do parque edificado, privado e municipal e infraestruturas urbanas municipais (missing translation)
Recuperação e reabilitação dos edifícios da Estação de Mondim de Basto e do seu património azulejar (missing translation)
Rede de Bibliotecas das Caldas da Rainha - RBCR (missing translation)
ALBUS - Urban Transport of Albergaria-a-Velha
Semana Temática das Deficiências e Incapacidades (missing translation)
Prolongamento do Parque João de Deus (missing translation)
Food Education Programme
Accessible Tourism Guide - Setúbal Bay for Everyone
Guide to the rights and duties of pet owners
Centro de Recolha Oficial de Tarouca (missing translation)
Lixo Sustentável (missing translation)
Plano Municipal de Leitura Ambiente (missing translation)
Agenda da Transição Digital (missing translation)
#viana-do-castelo - Educational Resources | Travelling Exhibitions
Biblioteca Itinerante (missing translation)
“Jantar com os Meus Pais no Restaurante da Escola” (missing translation)
“Tu escolhes o almoço!” (missing translation)
Desporto Carbono Zero (missing translation)
Musicando (missing translation)
BAIRRO C - CARBONO ZERO (missing translation)
Protocolo de cooperação para a manutenção ecológica das áreas classificadas de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
(Re)arborização de Espaços Verdes - Viana de Castelo (missing translation)
Rede de portas do Geoparque (missing translation)
Classificação dos Monumentos Naturais Locais (missing translation)
Novo Mercado de Quarteira (missing translation)
Rede Escolar de Ciência e de Apoio à Investigação Científica (missing translation)
Passos da Memória | Plano Anual de Percursos Pedestres (missing translation)
Caminho Português da Costa - Caminho de Santiago (missing translation)
Ecovia Rio Lima - Ecovia das Veigas (missing translation)
Percursos do Homem e do Garrano (missing translation)
Chá intercultural (missing translation)
Monitorização da Qualidade do Ar e do Ruído (missing translation)
Pacto Português para os Plásticos (missing translation)
Observatório Municipal de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas (missing translation)
Rede Municipal de Percursos Pedestres (missing translation)
Rotas intermunicipais (missing translation)
Separe Mais & Transforme Melhor (missing translation)
Mafra Cycling (missing translation)
Mafra conVIDA ao Desporto (missing translation)
Plano Estratégico de Reabilitação de Linhas de Água do Concelho de Mafra - PERLA (missing translation)
Banco Local de Voluntariado (missing translation)
Mafra a Compostar - do Prato à Terra (missing translation)
CLIMA.AML – Rede de Monitorização de Estações Meteorológicas da AML (missing translation)
Aldeias Seguras (missing translation)
Mafra Reciclar a Valer + (missing translation)
Emigrant Support Office (GAE)
Viana do Castelo a Bordo da Transição Digital (missing translation)
International Coastal Cleanup Day 2023
Conselho Municipal de Ação Climática de Torres Vedras (CMAC) (missing translation)
Alto Minho ADAPT - Alto Minho Intermunicipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Geoparque Litoral Viana do Castelo (aspirante) (missing translation)
Month of Play
Growing Full Time
Local Reading Plan - PLL
Education Gala
Intercultural Meeting of Knowledge and Flavours
It Could Be You
Food Programme
Eco Schools
RAINHAS - Shared electric bicycles
Social Workshop Programme
Energy Mission Unit of the City Council
Regulation on the Settlement and Collection of Fees and the Issue of Licences
Salpico Space
Support to Non-profit Institutions in the County of Ponte de Sor
Associations Portal
Oeiras Social Network
JUNTAr - Materials and RCD's circulating!
Healthy School Project
Home Monster Collections
Collection of common industrial waste
Selective Collection Commercial / Industrial
Selective Collection of Organic Waste in Restaurants
Matosinhos: Accessible House
Matosinhos Youth Card
Municipal Plan to Combat Food Waste "Mirandela - A Sustainable Future
Portuguese Healthy Cities Network
"Learn to..."
Biodiversity GO
BIM - Itinerant Library of Matosinhos
Quinta da Gruta Environmental Education Complex
Managing the Risk of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest Fires - REMAS Interreg Sudoe
Healthy Lunches at JI's and EB1's
Loulé Municipal Climate Action Plan
Strategic Sports Development Plan
Key of Affection - Telecare for the Elderly
Health and Quality of Life Development Plan
Torres Vedras Health Park for Multidisciplinary Care
"Network for role models"
Inclusion Desk
Colour identification system for colour-blind people in school libraries
"Healthy and Active Elderly
Urban Art Roadmap of the Municipality of Odivelas
Municipal Equality Day | 24th October
Polos of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) in Torres Vedras
"Support Programme for the Promotion of Ethics in Sport"
"Torres Vedras Running
Introdução de alimentos biológicos nas refeições escolares (missing translation)
Vila de Rei a Zero Waste Municipality, in the scope of the European scale certification promoted by the European non-profit organization Mission Zero Academy (MiZA), driven by Zero Waste Europe
Strategic Tourism Development Plan for the Municipality - 2030
Torres Vedras Local Housing Strategy
Local Authority + Family Responsible
Estratégia Municipal de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas (missing translation)
SECAP - Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan
Programa Encosta – Regeneração Urbana e Social da Encosta de São Vicente (missing translation)
Foz Azul Marine Protected Area - Local Nature Reserve
Conversations with Parents
Programa de Sustentabilidade na Alimentação Escolar | PSAE (missing translation)
Outside the Box
Mértola 4Rs ReThink . Reduce . ReUse . Recycle - REPAIR CAFÉ
Walking without litter
"Now Choose!"
Outubro - Mês da Alimentação (missing translation)
Local Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CLAIM)
Rehousing in Social Housing
Emprega-te a Fundo - Training Plan for Unemployed Municipalities
Local Education and Training Network
Local Health Plan
Intermunicipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Sustainable Tourism Strategic Plan for the municipality of Torres Vedras
Municipal Equality Plan
Municipal Contingency Plan for Periods of Drought
GIP - Professional Insertion Office (Regular and Immigrant)
Rental Support
Eficiência Energética e Hídrica nas Instalações Desportivas Municipais (missing translation)
Sustainable Urban Mobility Action Plan of Torres Vedras | PAMUS
CIC - Centro de Inteligência Competitiva (missing translation)
GeoLoulé (missing translation)
Vale de Milhaços Ecological Corridor
Requalificação e Manutenção dos Espaços de Jogos e Recreio (missing translation)
Oral Health: Matosinhos Oral Health Project (SOMA)
Museu do Vinho de São João da Pesqueira (MVP) (missing translation)
Amigos do Mar (missing translation)
Hostel Social (missing translation)
Praia Acessível (missing translation)
Programa Municipal de Comboios de Bicicletas de Lisboa (CML) (missing translation)
Dinamização dos Mercados Municipais (missing translation)
Centro Local de Apoio à Integração de Migrantes (CLAIM) (missing translation)
Horta Biológica (missing translation)
Tarouca Verde (missing translation)
Renovação da Frota de Autocarros da CARRIS (missing translation)
Compostagem de Resíduos Verdes (missing translation)
Centro Interpretativo do Caminho Português da Costa (missing translation)
Módulo de Monitorização Partilhada com os Cidadãos (missing translation)
Pilot Project-Biowaste Collection in Santo Amaro
Separating and reusing cooking oil - Raising awareness
Apoio à Criação do Próprio Emprego/Projeto (missing translation)
Plano de Capacitação – Setor do Turismo (missing translation)
Rede "Destino Equestre" (missing translation)
Municipal Book Fair
Environmental Charter of the Municipality of Seixal
Innovative Learning Spaces in the School as a Digital Habitat (EIA-EHD)
Renewal of the municipal fleet
BioEscola - Environmental education programme for the enhancement and protection of natural values
Programme to renew the water supply network
Inova Miratejo Centre
Innovative Plans to Combat School Failure
Just a Change
Odemira Municipal Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation
Municipal Youth Plan
Abem Programme: Medicines Solidarity Network
Municipal Rental Support Programme
Vespa Velutina control
School Transport
RRRCICLO - Circular Economy in Guimarães
Condomínios de Aldeia (missing translation)
Unidade Móvel de Saúde de Viana do Castelo - Saúde Mais Próxima (missing translation)
Ciclo de Conversas (missing translation)
Programa “Uma praça no meu bairro” – Requalificação urbana
Certificação - Sistema de Gestão Integrado (Qualidade, Ambiente e Conciliação) (missing translation)
Extension of the Home Support Service timetable
Home Teleassistance Service in Oeiras
'Oeiras Is There!
Oeiras Urban Gardens Programme
Oeiras Community Valley - Oeiras Solidarity Programme
Rental Support Programme
Gaia Learns +
Programme "Forest on the Lines 20.30
Let's Compost
Municipal Horticultural Parks
Installation of Photovoltaic Panels on Municipal Buildings
Viana Abraça, Valorização de Resíduos Organicos (missing translation)
Metrominuto - pedestrian mobility
AaZ Programme - Read Better, Know More
Desporto nas Escolas (missing translation)
Blue Centre
Mafra Reciclar a Valer + (missing translation)
Centro de Interpretação Ambiental (missing translation)
Projeto Eco Cartão Escolas (missing translation)
Dia dos Afetos (missing translation)
AnimArq – O arquivo vai à tua escola! (missing translation)
Jovens em Ação (missing translation)
EMPREGA + (missing translation)
T(r)ocar & Reparar - Banco de Ajudas Técnicas (missing translation)
Foz Côa a Sentir o património (missing translation)
CLAIM - Centros Locais de Apoio à Integração de Migrantes (CLAIM) (missing translation)
Atribuição de computadores a todas as crianças que ingressam no 1.º CEB (missing translation)
"Vale Escolar" (missing translation)
Dia Municipal da Educação (missing translation)
Bosque Pedagógico Inclusivo (missing translation)
Reforço de subsídios para os alunos das escolas do concelho (missing translation)
Local Housing Strategy - 1st Right Programme
Cartão Abem (missing translation)
Cartão Municipal do Idoso (CMI) (missing translation)
Feira da Bagageira (missing translation)
Celebração do Dia da Floresta Autóctone (missing translation)
Agenda Distribution - Climate Action and SDGs
Ações de Sensibilização à população na área da segurança humana e do património urbano e rural (missing translation)
Dematerialisation / procedural economy
Vila Senior Municipal Card
UTICA - Universidade da Terceira Idade do Concelho de Azambuja (missing translation)
Odemira Senior University
Atividades de Animação e de Apoio à Família (AAAF) e Componente de Apoio à Familia (missing translation)
Celebration of Non-Teaching Workers' Day
CIAC - Centro de Informação Autárquico ao Consumidor do Marco de Canaveses (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal de Cultura de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Local Housing Strategy
Water dispensers
Preservação e recuperação dos sistemas dunares no litoral de Torres Vedras (missing translation)
Exposições Permanentes e Temporárias (missing translation)
Making Cities Resilient
Oeiras Film Club
Plano de Contingência do Município de Góis - situação de Seca (missing translation)
Rede Municipal de Recolha de Óleos Usados (missing translation)
Multisensory Energy Garden
Carregamento Elétrico de Veículos (missing translation)
Balcão da Inclusão (missing translation)
OP Bairro Municipal Laveiras 2023/24 (missing translation)
Balcão de Atendimento e Apoio Social (missing translation)
CLDS 4G de Mirandela - Gerações em Movimento (missing translation)
Galardão Qualidade de Ouro (missing translation)
Praia "Bandeira Praia acessível - Praia para Todos!" (missing translation)
Cartão Navegante Escola (CML) (missing translation)
Moinho do Papel (missing translation)
Percurso Pedestre da Cegonha e Percurso Pedestre do Cavalo e da Coruja (missing translation)
Quinta do Pisão - Parque de Natureza (missing translation)
Viver+Viver Melhor - Integrated Municipal Primary Prevention Programme for People with Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk
VIVER ATIVO - Municipal Physical Activity Programme for Seniors
Lança-te (missing translation)
Amoreiras Urban Gardens
Annual Education Conference
Programa Municipal de Educação pela Arte e pelas Ciências Experimentais (missing translation)
Rede Portuguesa de Municípios Saudáveis (missing translation)
Unidade Móvel de Saúde - Proximidade nos cuidados de saúde à população Tarouquense (missing translation)
GAJA - Youth and Adolescent Support Office
Transport CHVNG/E
Varosa Fest
Rampa Digital (missing translation)
EMPREGABILIDADE DIGITAL (missing translation)
Eu Sou Digital Municipal (missing translation)
Carta Europeia de Turismo Sustentável do Alto Minho (missing translation)
Fim-de-semana gastronómico (missing translation)
Secção de Formação Profissional para a Indústria (missing translation)
Semana Municipal de Combate à Vegetação Invasora (missing translation)
Plantação de árvores (missing translation)
Rede Municipal de Percursos Pedestres (missing translation)
Mobilidade Elétrica no Município - Elevador de Santa Luzia (missing translation)
WebAPP “” (missing translation)
Praias “Bandeira Praia Acessível - Praia para Todos” (missing translation)
Praias "Bandeira Azul" (missing translation)
Praias "Qualidade de Ouro" (missing translation)
World Tourism Day
Beaches with the code "ColorADD - Inclusive Beach"
Semana Europeia da Mobilidade - 2023 (missing translation)
Dia do Apóstolo São. Tiago Maior (missing translation)
Centro de Interpretação Ambiental do Paul da Pedreira do Cabo da Praia (missing translation)
Meetups - Setor do Turismo (missing translation)
ECO ESCOLAS - Galardão ano letivo 2022-2023 (missing translation)
Caça à beata - Praia fluvial do Sorraia (missing translation)
Campanha de sensibilização na praia fluvial de Coruche - Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Campanha de sensibilização na praia fluvial de Coruche - Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Campanha de sensibilização na praia fluvial de Coruche - Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Campanha de sensibilização na praia fluvial de Coruche - Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Campanha de sensibilização na praia fluvial de Coruche - Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Campanha de sensibilização na praia fluvial de Coruche - Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Campanha de sensibilização na praia fluvial de Coruche - Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Campanha de sensibilização na praia fluvial de Coruche - Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Rede de Corredores Ecológicos da Serra de São Mamede (missing translation)
Percurso da Senhora da Lapa (missing translation)
Percurso Pedestre do Reguengo (missing translation)
Percurso Pedestre de Alegrete (missing translation)
Percurso Pedestre da Ribeira de Nisa (missing translation)
Rota Salão Frio (missing translation)
Percurso da Crista Quartzítica das Carreiras (missing translation)
Rota Peregrinação do Senhor dos Aflitos (missing translation)
Estratégia Municipal de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas de Viana do Castelo - EMAAC VC (missing translation)
Municipal Scholarships
Centro Municipal de Marcha e Corrida (Loulé e Quarteira) (missing translation)
Lexplore + Reading
iNova School 2025
World Tree Day
Encouraging births and supporting the family
Let's Study - Programme of accompanied study support
Arrábida without cars
Website dedicated to the environment and climate change
Feira das Cebolas (missing translation)
Montado and Lezíria Superfoods Programme
Practice +
Alto Alentejo Games
A full house
Story Time
Portalegre Tapestries - Valorisation, Promotion, Dissemination and Projection
Cascais + Solidarity Programme
Environment in the Park
Cascais Environmental Education Guide
Cascais Environmental Education Programme
Air Quality and Meteorology Sensors Network
Campaign for the collection of coffee capsules
More glass, More recycling
Network of Ecocentres
Open Weeks
Poiares says STOP to Pampas Weed
Bengal Programme - "Caring for those who care".
Solidarity Parade
Corporate Sustainability Guide
Single Menu
ECO-INNOVATION Good Sustainability Practices MANUAL
Digital Environment Platform Viana do Castelo
"Knowing to protect" - Thematic sessions
Full-time school
Guimarães' good practices in the management and sustainable use of water (CApt2)
JIL - Interactive Reading Games
Matosinhos Active
BioRegistro - Citizen Science Platform
Cineteatro Louletano, a diverse and accessible programme
Atribuição de Comparticipação Financeira (missing translation)
Terapia da Fala (missing translation)
Emocionalmente (missing translation)
Report on the State of Spatial Planning in the Municipality of Loulé
The SDGs at the Municipal Library of Loulé
Free Books Project
Environmental Quality of the Beaches
Organisation of events on animal themes
Intelligent paper bins
Educate to Care
Tell me about it...
Social Support and Intervention Team
Social Emergency Fund
Support for environmental volunteering actions
Echoes of Nature
Nature Walks - Biodiversity Stations and Biospots
Participatory Budgeting in Odemira
Workshop: Construction of nest boxes
Local Volunteer Bank
REDA Programme
Fitsenior Programme
Choral Workshop Programme
"Agostinhas" - Torres Vedras Public Bicycles
Guimarães 65+ (missing translation)
Support Programme 65 - Safe Elderly People
Holiday Camps
Senior Sport
Eco Schools Programme
Are the suspects the usual ones?
Vez EcoVolunteering
Environmental Education Project
Escola Electrão
Municipal Environmental Surveillance System
Leiria Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAAC-L)
Wind Energy Production in the Torres Vedras area
Scholarships - NEOEN
Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Offences
Programme of support, in partnership, for people with economic insufficiencies
Merit-based grants
Selective Municipal Waste Collection Strategy
Etapa do Circuito Mundial de Surf - VISSLA PRO ERICEIRA (missing translation)
Pontos de Wi-fi gratuito no Concelho (missing translation)
Surfing4Family (missing translation)
Praia Acessível (missing translation)
Programa Eco-Escolas Mafra (missing translation)
Feira da Malveira (missing translation)
Jardim do Cerco (missing translation)
Pacto de Autarcas - Energia e clima (missing translation)
Apoio à prevenção do Parque Ecológico do Funchal contra incêndios florestais (missing translation)
Gabinete de atendimento à vítima de violência doméstica - Oeste + Igualdade (missing translation)
CTRL+ Study
Plano Municipal para a Igualdade e Não Discriminação (missing translation)
Setúbal's 2nd Generation Education Charter
8.ª edição do Dia Internacional da Cidade Educadora (missing translation)
Educational Charter of the Municipality of Horta
A Compostagem vai à Escola (missing translation)
Semana Municipal do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (missing translation)
Municipal Seminar on Sustainable Development
Discovering the Environment
Unidade Móvel de Saúde (missing translation)
Prémio de Mérito Escolar "Universidade Júnior" (missing translation)
Prémio de Mérito de Conclusão do Ensino Secundário (missing translation)
Protocolo de Colaboração - relações estratégicas (missing translation)
Náuticas nas Escolas (missing translation)
FITA em Ponte de Sor (missing translation)
Bolina - Festival Internacional de Palhaças (missing translation)
Aniversário Centro de Artes e Cultura (missing translation)
Odisseia Nacional - Ponte de Sor (missing translation)
Outubro Mês da Música (missing translation)
Quarteirão Cultural de Loulé (missing translation)
Protocolos Culturais (missing translation)
Interculturalidades (missing translation)
Festa do Arroz (missing translation)
Habitação Social de Ponte de Sor (missing translation)
Reabilitação e Valorização Ambiental do Rio Neiva (missing translation)
Sustainable Urban Mobility Action Plan (PAMUS)
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
European Mobility Week
Comemoração do Dia Internacional da Juventude (missing translation)
Selo Município Amigo da Juventude (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal da Juventude de Ponte de Sor (missing translation)
"Restless" - Much more than a music festival...
Transport promotion programme - TOMA
NegaWatt (2023 - 2024)
Study of the characterisation of the waste produced by companies located in the Municipality of Cascais, focusing on waste from the secondary sector
Study on the characterisation of the waste produced by the Cascais City Council
POS Christmas Campaign
Cleaning and unclogging water lines
Analysing and Issuing Opinions on Various Licensing Processes in the Services portal - backoffice, within the scope of the Maritime Public Domain
Application - Healthy Beach
Application - Praia + Acessível
Application - Accessible Beach
Application - Beach, Blue Flag
Bathing Season
Municipal Environmental Education Plan
Education, Information and Environmental Awareness
Rehabilitation and Stabilization of the banks of the Lizandro River" (18 points)
Strategic Plan for the Rehabilitation of Water Lines in the Mafra Region (PERLA)
Cleaning and Unclogging Water Lines in the Municipality of Mafra
Land Exchange
School Gardens
Lx Aquila
CLIMA.AML (Mafra) - AML Meteorological Station Monitoring Network
AML Metropolitan Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAAC-AML)
Mafra Meteorological Station Network
Climate Action Plan (PAC 2030)
Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (EMAAC)
Municipal Equality Plan
ADOPT campaign
Community Digital Agenda
Eco-Schools Programme
EcoValue Programme
Mills Project
Festival da Água e do Tempo - Clepsidra (missing translation)
"Primeira Onda - Educational programme for surfing and learning about the sea
Mini Project - Agostinhas
Medidas de Eficiência Energética nas Piscinas Municipais (missing translation)
Palavras com Som (missing translation)
Melhorias habitacionais (missing translation)
Apoio Psicológico - SAF (missing translation)
Fighting Against Uninvoiced Water in the Municipality of Fornos de Algodres
E.M.A #sucessoescolar (missing translation)
Local Integrated Operation (LIO) of the Water Mine
SIT FLEXI - Transporte Flexível a Pedido da Comunidade Intermunicipal (missing translation)
Saneamento Básico - Acesso para todos (missing translation)
Cadernos de Atividades gratuitos para os alunos matriculados no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (missing translation)
Núcleos Museológicos (missing translation)
Páscoa Doce (missing translation)
Escolha a praia e prepare-se antes de sair de casa! (missing translation)
Artistic Training Projects in the Municipality of Campo Maior
Balcão de Inclusão do Município de Campo Maior (missing translation)
Transporte Escolar (missing translation)
Prémio de Mérito Escolar (missing translation)
Balcão da Inclusão (missing translation)
Rede Solidária do Medicamento - Programa abem (missing translation)
TAD - Teleassistência Domiciliária (missing translation)
Serviço de Apoio Psicológico (missing translation)
Wonder of the Sado
Elderly Card
Social Assistance and Accompaniment Service -SAAS
Melhoria da Eficiência Energética no Complexo Desportivo de Sousel (missing translation)
Melhoria da Eficiência Energética na Biblioteca Municipal de Sousel (missing translation)
PR1 - Percurso da Ribeira de Sor (missing translation)
Prémio Literário José Luís Peixoto (missing translation)
Balcão de Apoio ao Empresário e Investidor do Município de Oeiras (missing translation)
Monitorização do Ar e Ruído (missing translation)
Eco-Schools Sesimbra
Espaço Interpretativo da Lagoa Pequena (missing translation)
Himalaya creativity workshops - Arcos Ciência Viva Centre
Mercado do Bairro (missing translation)
A Biblioteca apoia os ODS (missing translation)
Training, Capacity Building and Employability Programme
Reabilitação e Ampliação do Centro de Saúde de Ponte de Sor (missing translation)
Capital do Turismo Rural (missing translation)
Gabinete de Apoio ao Consumidor (missing translation)
Centro de Interpretação e Acolhimento do Castelo da Lousã (missing translation)
Momo – Museu do Circo (missing translation)
Education Observatory
Comemorar a Água (missing translation)
Vacinação Antirrábica e identificação Eletrónica (missing translation)
Desafio BioEscola 360° (missing translation)
Caixa ninho (missing translation)
Portal de Denúncia (missing translation)
#viana-do-castelo - Educational Resources | Resource Centre
Ler em Viana (missing translation)
Bacias de Retenção de Guimarães (missing translation)
Escola de Música da Câmara Municipal (missing translation)
Territorializando os ODS (missing translation)
Dia Internacional dos Museus (missing translation)
Certificação do Bordado de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Feira do Livro (missing translation)
Aulas de Português para Estrangeiros (missing translation)
Programa de apoio ao associativismo (missing translation)
Projeto “O Mar Começa Aqui” (missing translation)
MESMO – Mafra Espaço de Saúde Mental e Ocupacional (missing translation)
Operação Local Integrada Milharado (missing translation)
Balcão da Inclusão (missing translation)
Guia de Surf (missing translation)
Guia de Pesca (missing translation)
Gabinete de Apoio Psicológico (missing translation)
Equipa Cuidar Próximo (missing translation)
Edição organística “Dois Séculos de Música, Orgãos do concelho de Mafra” (missing translation)
CLAIM - Centro Local de Apoio à Integração de Migrantes (missing translation)
Cartão MAIS (missing translation)
Ações de Sensibilização Escolar (missing translation)
Eventos Acessíveis, Inclusivos e com Responsabilidade Social (missing translation)
Municipal Security Council
Municipal Police Service
Marine Protected Area of Community Interest (AMPIC)
Navegante" Single Metropolitan Social Pass
Refurbishment to install the Mafra Inclusion Centre
Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Business Factory
Mafra Lives Healthy - Growing Active and Healthy
Dog-Friendly Beach
Voluntariado Ambiental | Limpeza de Espaços Naturais (missing translation)
Planeamento e Gestão dos Espaços Verdes do Parque Ecológico Urbano de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Cidades Educadoras (missing translation)
Percurso do Vale Lourenço (missing translation)
Estudo Pegada de Carbono de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
School transport
Feira das Tuas Opções - Guidance, Education and Vocational Training
Setúbal Organic Market
Zero Pollution Project
Assistance and relief for bathers all year round
Restoration of the Fishermen's Pier
Maritime Protected Area of Avencas - AMPA
Education Portal
Eco-Schools Programme
Intercultural Mediators
Thematic exhibitions at Cascais/Estoril wall
Requalification and Valorisation Project of Praia da Parede
Jellyfish Awareness Campaign
Recreating Christmas
Social Insertion and Fight against Poverty
European Week for Waste Reduction
Eco-Schools Project and Environmental Education Offer
Mealhada Bike Lab - laboratory for the bicycle
End-of-Life Vehicle Collection
PAPERSU of the municipality of Matosinhos
Environmental Information and Management System
Senior Informatics
Senior English
Sitting Senior Dance
Caring for Carers" Project
Municipal Youth Council
Sports activities for health promotion
Support Service for Visual Disability of Lourinhã - SADV
Strategic Plan for the Rehabilitation of School Buildings
Super S" Challenge - Healthy and Sustainable Eating
Mobile Ecocentre
School milk
Malga Project
Monthly Menu
Shared scooters and electric bikes
Action Plan for Energy and Climate Sustainability
Scholarships for local higher education students
Reusing Treated Wastewater for Irrigation
World Press Photo 2022 as part of the 2030 Agenda
Increasing the Municipality's fleet with electric mobility
Mercado Biológico de Oeiras (missing translation)
School Scheme
Plano de Ação Integrada para as Comunidades Desfavorecidas (PAICD) (missing translation)
World Tree and Water Day celebrations
Civil Protection Day
Together we make a difference!
Seia Municipal Consumer Information Centre (CIAC)
"Horta Viva" - Community Gardens
Project for monitoring and rehabilitation of fish fauna
Green Week
Home Workshop
Educational Mission III
Serviço Educativo "Robótica para todos" (missing translation)
Municipality distributes 'First Intervention Kits against Fires' throughout the Council's villages
Centro para as Migrações do Fundão
Rolhão - Cork Recycling
Eco-batteries - collection at schools
Forest Gardens in Schools
Fresh on Wheels
Owl of Knowledge - Mobile Library
Housing Comfort Improvement Programme
Envelhecimento ativo (missing translation)
De Pequenino (missing translation)
Atividades de Sensibilização Ambiental - Setor de Ambiente e Zonas Húmidas (missing translation)
Projeto Educativo Municipal (missing translation)
Espaço de Proximidade ao Cidadão (missing translation)
Observatório Municipal de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas (missing translation)
Recolha porta a porta de papelão nos estabelecimentos comerciais (missing translation)
Protocolo de Cooperação Sapadores Florestais (missing translation)
MOURA CIRCULAR - BIORRESÍDUOS (missing translation)
EMISE - Equipa Multidisciplinar de Intervenção em Saúde Escolar (missing translation)
Programa Municipal de DAE (missing translation)
Integrated Awareness Programme - Municipal Civil Protection Service
Plataforma Oeiras Interativa (missing translation)
Lousada Charcos (missing translation)
Praia Fluvial do Sorraia (missing translation)
Rehabilitation of the left bank of the River Sorraia
Editions with themes related to the municipality and/or local authors
Wine & Blues Festival (missing translation)
Ginástica laboral (missing translation)
Adote um compostor (missing translation)
Certification of the paper used in the Municipal Magazine, Municipal Agenda and Agenda of the Torres Vedras Cine Theatre
Coruche municipality's new online services platform
Holiday Centre 2023
Coruche Triathlon in the Village
Projeto CLIMAAT 100 (Peça de Teatro + Livro Infantil) (missing translation)
Collective Efficiency Strategy "PROVERE _ Cork Oak Forest and Cork
Incentive Programme for Local Commerce "Lojas com Gente" (Shops with People)
Move on Holidays
Participatory Budgeting in Oeiras
Financial support to ensure heating
Adapted Transport Service
Co-funding of expenses with medicines by the Municipality of Oeiras
Home Doctor
Bolsas de Estudo para munícipes estudantes do Ensino Superior (missing translation)
Nature's Agenda
Green infrastructure in city adaptation to climate change - LIFE LUNGS
Monitoring of Water Quality in Public Fountains in the County of Fornos de Algodres
LED lighting at traffic lights
Multi-Service Building of the City Council - More Sustainable Lighting
CAEMPE - Centro de Acolhimento Empresarial para Micro e Pequenas Empresas (missing translation)
Acesso universal ao saneamento básico (missing translation)
Promoção do comércio local no Mercado dos Lavradores (missing translation)
Requalificação e valorização da Ribeira de Aljezur (missing translation)
Monitorização de caudais por sistemas de telemetria na rede de Abastecimento de Água (missing translation)
PMI - Project Management Institute
Gymnastics at play
Sports at school
Cascais athletics trophy
Playful swimming
Cascais Ativo - It's Sport for Everyone
Supported Employment on the Open Market
Night Walk - Between Ties and Fireflies.
Desportivamente em (Re)Forma (missing translation)
GÓISIM (missing translation)
Melhoramento dos serviços de "Recolha de Resíduos urbanos" (missing translation)
Movimento é Vida (missing translation)
Loja Social de Sousel (missing translation)
Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade | Projeto de erradicação e controlo de espécies invasoras prioritárias (missing translation)
Vivo: Gabinete de apoio à Vitima (missing translation)
Academia Begin MarcoInvest (missing translation)
PR 12 - Percurso Azueira, na rota do vinho (missing translation)
PR 11 - Percurso Do Lizandro ao Forte do Zambujal (missing translation)
PR 10 - Percurso Paisagens de São Julião (missing translation)
PR 9 - Percurso Vale do Safarujo (missing translation)
PR 8 - Percurso Malveira, entre o urbano e o rural (missing translation)
PR 7 - Percurso Rumo ao pico do Concelho (missing translation)
PR 6 - Percurso a vila e os vales a poente (missing translation)
PR 5 - Percurso Encarnação, na rota da vinha (missing translation)
PR 4 - Percurso No Vale de Cheleiros (missing translation)
PR 3 - Percurso dos Moinhos do Milharado (missing translation)
PR 2 - Percurso das Enxaras (missing translation)
PR 1 - Percurso do Sobral da Abelheira (missing translation)
Academia do Ensino Superior de Mafra – Instituto Politécnico deTomar (Cursos Técnicos Superiores Profissionais – CTESP) (missing translation)
Percurso Pedestre - Do Vale ao Montado (missing translation)
Melhoramento da Eficiência Energética no Bairro Social da Cunheira (missing translation)
Reabilitação do Bairro Social da Cunheira (missing translation)
Promoção Turística do Concelho de Alter do Chão (missing translation)
PDECO- Odemira School Sports Project
Collection of Biodegradable Urban Biowaste in the Municipality of Mafra
Festival do Vinho do Douro Superior (missing translation)
CANAL HORECA - Recolha de Biorresíduos a Não-Domésticos (missing translation)
Using Water from Alternative Sources
App Municipal (missing translation)
Vencer a Idade com Saúde (missing translation)
Consultas de Psicologia para trabalhadores/as do Município (missing translation)
Mobilidade Elétrica no Município - Transporte Público (missing translation)
Promoção de ambientes de trabalho seguros (missing translation)
Aquatic Preparation for Birth
Municipal Card for Large Families
Viana is Yours
International Youth Day
Manutenção de caminhos florestais e rurais (missing translation)
Local Housing Strategy
Elimination of plastics from desks
Control and monitoring system for solid urban waste and sensing of containers, in the city of Portalegre
PIIC me- Projeto Individual de Inclusão na Comunidade (missing translation)
Eco Copo (missing translation)
Celebração do Dia Mundial da Alimentação (missing translation)
Workshop: "Vem construir caixas-ninho" (missing translation)
Your Environment Booklet" book
A journey through the environment" collection
Educate with Environment
Activity Book "Find out more about the Environment
Passport "A journey for the environment
Blue Flag Award
Monitoring the Water Quality of Cascais Beaches
Monitoring the Water Quality of Streams.
Horeca Awareness Campaign
School Fruit Scheme for the 1st Cycle of Basic Education
Energy Transition and Decarbonisation Strategy of the Municipality of Sousel
Energy Efficiency Measures in School Buildings
ConVida Spaces
Common Forest
Promotion of the separation and selective collection of waste in schools
Eco-kits - International Day of Biodiversity.
ESPAÇO VIDA - Victim Support and Information Service (SAIV) of Paredes
Planos Integrados e Inovadores de Combate ao Insucesso Escolar (missing translation)
EMI Awareness Raising - Explore the gender, Move the mind and Inspire your world
Cadernos e Ficha de Atividades Gratuitos para os Alunos do Concelho (missing translation)
Leiria in the Dish
LabRios+ - Lab Rústico (missing translation)
LabRios+ Urbano (missing translation)
Torres Vedras Health Park for Multidisciplinary Care (missing translation)
Laboratórios de Criatividade (missing translation)
Gala de Educação (missing translation)
Centro de Explicações (missing translation)
Projeto Guardiões (missing translation)
Capt2 – Circularidade da água por todos e para todos (missing translation)
Walking Cities and Towns
Analysing and Issuing Opinions on Land Clearing Processes (in collaboration with the Municipal Civil Protection Service)
Survey of the Arboreal Heritage of Vila de Mafra - Municipal GIS
Analysing and Issuing Opinions on Landscaping, Green Spaces and/or Leisure Areas, Private Works Processes and/or Allotments
Núcleo Escolar da Erra (missing translation)
Núcleo Escolar do Biscainho (missing translation)
Eficiência Energética no Museu Municipal (missing translation)
Voa mais Alto (missing translation)
Atualiza-te (missing translation)
Municipal Scholarships
Oeiras Schools Theatre Show
Faculty Scholarship Programme
Regime Escolar (missing translation)
Avaliação da Qualidade do Ar Interior (missing translation)
Safe Villages, Safe People
Recolha de Resíduos de Grande Volume (Monstros) (missing translation)
Gestão pública da água (missing translation)
Universidade Sénior de Sousel (missing translation)
Renovação da Frota Ligeira Municipal (missing translation)
Corredores Verdes de Lisboa (CML) (missing translation)
Caminhos de Santiago - Caminho Central, etapas 13 e 14 (missing translation)
Centro Cyclin’Portugal da Erra (missing translation)
CLIMA.AML (Setúbal)
Projeto Piloto de Teleassistência a Idosos (missing translation)
39.ª Feira do Livro (missing translation)
Voluntariado Jovem para a Natureza e Florestas – Guardiões da Floresta (missing translation)
Livros de fichas e cadernos de atividades (missing translation)
Festival Jazz na Praça da Erva (missing translation)
PMAC - Plano Municipal de Ação Climática (missing translation)
Material Informático para as Escolas (missing translation)
O que TU fazes... TODOS sentimos! (missing translation)
ZERO Beach Pollution
Receção aos professores - ano escolar 2023-2024 (missing translation)
Municipal Youth Card
Viana Young Entrepreneurs
World Water Day
Scholarships Higher Education
Concurso: "Geólogo Eu?" (missing translation)
Good Practice Guide
Incubator of Non Technological Companies of Portalegre
Celebrating World Children's Day
Scholarships for participation in Summer Universities/Junior Universities - 2022/2023
Sounds of Summer Festival
International Cork Fair
Portalegre and Bioresidues
Oxygen Programme
Portalegre Conventual Confectionery Fair
Social Store
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-discrimination
𝗔𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝗔𝘇𝘂𝗹 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 | 𝗠ê𝘀 𝗱𝗮 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻çã𝗼 𝗱𝗼𝘀 𝗠𝗮𝘂𝘀-𝗧𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝘀 𝗻𝗮 𝗜𝗻𝗳â𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮
Installation of water machines
VI Coruche International Ballooning Festival
Olhão municipality joins in Earth Hour
Curriculum Support and Enrichment Programme (AEC's)
Scholarship Programme for Higher Education Students
SOUSaúde Programme
Natality Support Programme
Inverse Inclusion" Programme
EcoPontas and PapaChicletes Project - Waste Reduction and Recovery
Ideas and Creativity Contest
Structures for selective disposal of garden waste in urban areas
CHAT# - Youth Offices
Installation of defibrillators in the Council
Support for youth associations
Youth Time
Bike Stations
Accessible Beach
Portal "My Neighbourhood
Strategic Plan of the Waterways of the Oeiras Council
Oeiras 65+ Card
Temporary Homes for Displaced Teachers
Physical-Motor Expression Programme
Recolha Seletiva de Resíduos Urbanos Biodegradáveis (missing translation)
Home Composting Project
Junior Code Academy
Caring Braga
Rede de Ciclovias Urbanas de Torres Vedras (missing translation)
1st Cycle Physical Activity Support Programme
Gymnastics Programme
Improvement of energy efficiency conditions in the Leiria Municipal Swimming Pool Complex
Distribution of School Fruit - Pre-school and Primary School
Study to Evaluate the Rise in Mean Sea Level and Tidal Surge in Extreme Coastal Overtopping and Flooding Events
Ampliação e fecho de sistemas públicos de abastecimento de água (missing translation)
Municipal Health Line
School Theatre Show
Várzea Urban Park
Protocol with the Victim Support Association (APAV)
Family Support Component
Curricular Enrichment Activities
School transport
Amadora Jazz
Specialised Service for Victims of Violence
Legal Advice for Victims of Domestic Violence
Regulamento Municipal para Apoio às vitimas de Violência Doméstica (missing translation)
Celorico de Basto's Educational and Professional Showcase: A Guide to the Future of Young People
Selective collection of bio-waste
Horta Turismo Sustentável (missing translation)
Radar Social (missing translation)
Espaço Cidadão (missing translation)
Banco de Ajudas Técnicas (missing translation)
Portal da Educação – SER, Sesimbra Educar em Rede (missing translation)
Candidatura POSEUR-03-2012-FC-000106 : Elaboração do cadastro de infraestruturas dos sistemas de abastecimento de água e de saneamento de águas residuais (missing translation)
Young Arronches" programme
Programa Eco-Escolas (missing translation)
Certificação Biosphere (missing translation)
Bolsas de Terra (missing translation)
Formação + Próxima (missing translation)
Clube de Artes (missing translation)
PR3 - Percurso da Barragem de Montargil (missing translation)
Hora do Conto (missing translation)
Centro de Recolha Oficial de Animais do Município de Mafra (missing translation)
Jornada das Ciências (missing translation)
Reabilitação e Estabilização das Margens do Rio Lizandro (missing translation)
Centro de Interpretação da Reserva Mundial de Surf da Ericeira (missing translation)
Arborização do Parque Urbano das Águas Santas (missing translation)
Apoio a Idosos (missing translation)
Aprender em Comunidade (missing translation)
Serviço de Teleassistência (missing translation)
Encontro de Ranchos de Natal (missing translation)
I e II edição da Semana da Juventude (missing translation)
Há Festa no Parque (missing translation)
Ambiente: o nosso gesto faz a diferença! (missing translation)
Filme Ambiente - Ação! (missing translation)
Comunicação e Sensibilização - Mascote Ambi (missing translation)
My Ecopoint
Ecopoint for hazardous waste
Home composting
Our Water from Source to Tap
Mel “Mata de Vilar” (missing translation)
LIFE Stop Cortaderia - Lousada (missing translation)
Bio-Social Garden
Oeiras Integrated Network Against Violence (RIOCV)
Vale de Apoio à Natalidade e Adoção (missing translation)
Lousada 100% LED (missing translation)
Bolsas de Estudo por Mérito e de Apoio Social a Estudantes do Ensino Superior Público (missing translation)
Agenda 2030 e as Grandes Opções do Plano (missing translation)
Certificação do Traje à Vianesa (missing translation)
Equipamentos e conteúdos interpretativos do Geoparque Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Férias de Verão (missing translation)
Conversas com História e histórias... (missing translation)
Operação Floresta Segura (missing translation)
A Monitorização da Linha de Costa e os Sistemas Naturais e Antrópicos (missing translation)
abem card - medicines solidarity network
Rede Social (missing translation)
Semana Europeia da Mobilidade (missing translation)
Aplicação SIRENE (missing translation)
Criamos Dunas e Protegemos Espécies (missing translation)
Iniciativa da Lusofonia para os Municípios ODS (missing translation)
Replacing conventional lighting with LED and reducing the luminous flux | Public Lighting
National Digital Neighbourhoods Project
Raising awareness about young people entering the labour market
Protocol with the Victim Support Association (APAV)
Modernisation and upgrading of the Professor Armando de Lucena - Malveira, António Bento Franco - Ericeira, Venda do Pinheiro and Mafra basic schools.
ABEM Programme - Medicines Solidarity Network
MESMO - Mafra Space for Mental and Occupational Health
Operational Programme to Support the Most Deprived People
Vem colorir o nosso pavilhão! (missing translation)
Mês do Associativismo de Ponte de Sor (missing translation)
Assembleia Municipal de Jovens de Ponte de Sor (missing translation)
Percursos pedestres (missing translation)
Percursos pedestres (missing translation)
Semester Monitoring of the School Calendar
Renaturalisation of the River Arnóia using natural engineering techniques
BioRainha - Pilot project for the collection of bio-waste in the municipality
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAAC)
Digital Nomads
Energy Passbook (2023 - 2024)
Conhecer&Agir - Platform for measuring and disseminating disaggregated electricity consumption and benchmarking electricity consumption in municipal administration buildings
Recycling Mission: "From Home to School!"
Solidarity Store
Night of the Stars
Montargil, Safe and Clean
Develop and implement measures to reconcile work and family life.
Gestão de Resíduos Urbanos (+) Mais Sustentável (missing translation)
Recolha Seletiva de Biorresíduos (missing translation)
Mobile application for georeferencing and characterising water and sanitation leaks
Comemoração Dia Internacional do Homem e da Mulher (missing translation)
Educational Resource Centre for Inclusion
"Valorize yourself - Youth Entrepreneurship and Training Fair"
European Week of Sport - "Let's go cycling".
"A Territory to Discover - Cork Oak Forest and Cork Oak Forests
World Equality Day
Action for cleaning the banks of the Zêzere River
Domestic violence intervention team (EIVIDA)
Flavour Market
The Environment thanks you
Natality Support
Project Green Deal Centre - Green and Circular Shopping
Courts of Peace of the West - Torres Vedras Delegation
I want to be a scientist
Environmental Education Centre Building
Doing and Happening
Healthy Beach" Project
Blue Flag Programme
Eco-Schools Programme
Local Housing Strategy
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2021-2024
Protocol with hunters' associations and clubs to join the forest defence team
abem programme: Medicines Solidarity Network
Seia Participa - Orçamento Participativo (missing translation)
Seia: Um Percurso para ser Cidade Amiga das Crianças (missing translation)
Plano de Ação para a Regeneração Urbana / Plano de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável / PEDU SEIA 2020 (missing translation)
Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Loulé Without Borders" project
Terminal Rodoviário (missing translation)
Lisbon to Compost
Participatory Budgeting
Construção da ETAR compacta do Curral dos Romeiros (missing translation)
Reabilitação do Bairro de 23 de junho, Couço (habitação social) (missing translation)
Entrada da Escola EB2,3 Dr. Armando Lizardo e Centro Escolar (missing translation)
Observatório do Sobreiro e da Cortiça (missing translation)
Valorizar os ecossistemas (Vala das Baleias) (missing translation)
Projeto “Consultas Descentralizadas - CHUA + Proximidade” (missing translation)
Conhecimento Infraestrutural de Redes de Abastecimento e Saneamento (missing translation)
Redução de Perdas Aparentes (missing translation)
Feirões Tradicionais na Praça da República (missing translation)
(Re)arborização de espaços verdes e criação de ilhas-sombra em meio urbano (missing translation)
Fruta Escolar (missing translation)
Equipamentos ao ar livre no concelho (missing translation)
Mobility for all on Calçadinha
Monitoring of Water Quality in Public Fountains in the County of Fornos de Algodres
Implementation of energy efficiency measures in public lighting
Incentive Regulation for the Connection of Buildings to the Public Water Supply and Wastewater Sanitation Networks of the Municipality of Marco de Canaveses
Women's March
Programa de Desfibrilhação (missing translation)
Ethnographic Centre of Soajo / Arcos de Valdevez
Setúbal Land of Fish
Regulamento para a Atribuição de Incentivos Municipais (missing translation)
CLAIM – Centro Local de Apoio à Integração de Migrantes (missing translation)
GAE - Gabinete de Apoio ao Emigrante (missing translation)
GIP - Gabinete de Inserção Profissional (missing translation)
Unidade Móvel de Saúde (missing translation)
Descentralização do Serviço de Ação Social (missing translation)
Pequenos Apoios Habitação (missing translation)
Faial Inhabits
Awarding scholarships
Revitalização do Mosteiro de Odivelas (missing translation)
Escola Azul (missing translation)
Abem Card
Municipal Social Card
Recolha Porta a Porta (missing translation)
Comemorar a reciclagem! (missing translation)
Educ'arte Programme
Commitment to climate change adaptation and mitigation in water services
Rejuvenate Tarouca
CompostaME - Let's compost to improve the environment
Uma Praia melhor depende de todos! (missing translation)
Sábado com Histórias (missing translation)
O meu Kit de Leitura (missing translation)
Serviço de Leitura Especial (missing translation)
Internet Sénior (missing translation)
Estratégia Local de Habitação (missing translation)
Prémios de Mérito (missing translation)
Plano Municipal para a Igualdade e a Não Discriminação (missing translation)
Oficina Domiciliária (missing translation)
Apoio à Habitação Degradada Para Estratos Sociais Desfavorecidos (missing translation)
Cartão Família- Incentivo à Natalidade (missing translation)
Atribuição de Bolsas de Estudo a Estudantes do Ensino Superior (missing translation)
Alter do Chão Mais Sustentável – compostagem doméstica (missing translation)
Recolha Seletiva de Biorresíduos no Concelho de Alter do Chão (missing translation)
Plataformas digitais do Geoparque (missing translation)
Viana Práxis - Prémio de Arquitetura de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Movimento é Vida (missing translation)
Programa Municipal + Família (missing translation)
GIP - Gabinete de Inserção Profissional (missing translation)
Geração SEI+ (missing translation)
Expansão do Wi-fi nas Instalações Culturais (missing translation)
AjuDAR (missing translation)
Ouriceira Sea and Ouriceira Water Projects
Safe Ocean
Glass+ Platform
Mafra a Compostar - Do Prato à Terra Project and Separate More and Transform Better Project
Mafra Recycle for Real+
Covenant of Mayors
Network of Villages of Portugal
Urban Green Spaces
Municipality of Mafra certified as a Biosphere Destination
Municipal Telecare Service
Generation SEI+ Programme
Mafra - Social Network
Installation of interactive billboards in the historic centre of Mafra and the Mafra & Ericeira Experience app
Training+ Next Programme
Brand M and brand E
Gabinete de Apoio ao Empresário Turístico (missing translation)
CEI and CEI+ projects
Replacing conventional lighting with LED
Mafra is Music
Mafra Centre of the Mafra Higher Education Academy
Curricular Enrichment Activities
Animation and Family Support Activities (AAAF) and the Family Support Component (CAF)
Viana + Accessible
Voluntariado Ambiental | Proteção do Borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida (missing translation)
Recolha de monstros domésticos ao domicílio (missing translation)
Plataforma GEO24 LOULÉ (missing translation)
Digital Water Counter
CHEF goes to school
Setúbal Station
Dolphin Alert
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Decarbonisation of the Fleet
Application of I-tree in the alignment tree
2nd Edition of FundoAdapt Cascais
Pecuniary Support
Territory Forum
PIICIE - Creation of the Group of Young Volunteers of the Mirandela School Grouping
Programme "+ Movement for your Health" and "Sundays in the Park
Mealhada Door-to-Door
Corporate Cycling Route
FIC.A - International Science Festival
Mobile Health Unit: +Knowledge +Health
Emigrant Support Office
Nature School" educational project
Beyond the Sea" Education Project
From the earth to the earth" educational project
Matiga - Friendly Maths" project
Covilhã Job Exchange
LouleXLab – Laboratório de Experimentação Municipal (missing translation)
Blue Flag Programme
Awareness - H2OFF - Time to Turn Off the Tap!
Water Campaign
Distribution of water-saving kits
Municipal Waste Action Plan
Energy efficiency in street lighting and municipal public buildings
LED Municipality
Project Efficiency above all!
Elaboration of a Climate Change Adaptation Plan in Vila Nova de Poiares
Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants
Local Plan for Roma Inclusion - PLICC
Bolsas de estudo a alunos do ensino superior (missing translation)
Houses with people
Educar para uma Economia circular (missing translation)
Replacement of IP (conventional public lighting) with LED technology
Hortas do Sorraia
Celorico de Basto promoveu conferência “Nova organização dos cuidados de saúde” (missing translation)
Plano de Segurança da Água e Plano de Segurança da Água Residual (missing translation)
RE(arborização) da Quinta da Nogueira (missing translation)
Consulta Descentralizada de Marco de Canaveses (missing translation)
Madalenabraça (missing translation)
Madalenaventura (missing translation)
Projecto Tampinhas (missing translation)
Qualificação da Zona Industrial de Castelo de Vide (missing translation)
Requalificação de Habitação social na Vila de Alter do Chão (missing translation)
Implementação de Rede Wi-Fi no Centro Histórico/Espaço Público na Vila de Alter do Chão (missing translation)
Apoio à Natalidade (missing translation)
Redução de Perdas no Abastecimento de Água (missing translation)
School Scheme Project
Procurement of goods and services in line with the SDGs
Allocation of Plan and Budget items to the SDGs
"ODS visa" on all proposals to the town hall meeting
Ála Mexer
Cleaning of water lines and gutters
Social Emergency Fund
Start In Odivelas - incubadora de Empresas de Odivelas (missing translation)
Festival Viana Bate Forte (missing translation)
Street Talks
“WiFi4EU Promoção da conectividade pela Internet nas comunidades locais” (missing translation)
Recolha de Bioresíduos (missing translation)
Rede de Recolha de Óleos Usados (missing translation)
Alimentação escolar (missing translation)
Anda Tarouca (missing translation)
“Memorias do Mercado” (missing translation)
Roteiros das Olarias da Vila (missing translation)
Projecto Horta Urbana (missing translation)
Bairro da Liberdade no Couço (Habitação Social) (missing translation)
Eficiência Energética na Iluminação Pública e Decorativa do Município de Alter do Chão (missing translation)
Melhoria da Eficiência Energética do pavilhão gimnodesportivo de Alter do Chão (missing translation)
Melhoria da Eficiência Energética no Cineteatro de Alter do Chão (missing translation)
Área de Serviços e Pernoita para Autocaravanas (missing translation)
Active Childhood - A physical activity project for pre-school pupils in the municipality of Odemira
Leite Escolar (missing translation)
Elderly Day celebrations - Castelo de Vide
Positive Parenting Academy
Plano de Segurança da Água (missing translation)
Serviços Educativos dos Museus (missing translation)
Mostra Gastronómica de Castelo do Neiva (missing translation)
Mostra Gastronómica da Ribeira de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Mecanismo de Apoio à Realização de Queimadas (MARQ) (missing translation)
Plano de Ação Local para o Controlo de Espécies Invasoras Ripícolas (missing translation)
Aplicação Romaria n'Algibeira (missing translation)
BIO-SOR - Home Composting Project
União Desportiva do Concelho de Sousel - 3 Star Futsal Training Organisation
Ação de Capacitação "Viagem a um Mar Tropical no Pontal da Carrapateira" (missing translation)
Ação de Capacitação "Viagem a um Mar Tropical no Pontal da Carrapateira" (missing translation)
Ação de Capacitação: "Explorando a Geodiversidade da Praia do Amado". (missing translation)
Quinta da Saúde Tourist Complex Interpretation Centre
Geo-referencing of the public water network supply system
São Mamede Gateway and Great Cascade Route
Electric vehicle charging stations
Concessão de regalias sociais aos bombeiros voluntários de Monforte (missing translation)
Eficiência Energética na Iluminação Pública de Celorico de Basto (missing translation)
100% LED Public Lighting
Awareness Raising and Screenings
Blood donation
General medicine, nutrition and psychological counselling.
Sun Protection Campaign.
Vaccination campaigns.
Workers' Skills Development.
Encouraging births.
Cork harvesting in the municipality of Coruche - Intangible Cultural Heritage
Replacement of roofing containing asbestos
Youth Volunteering for Nature and Forests
Consultative Council of the CLS of Oeiras
Urban Art
Fit Neighbourhood
New Horizons: OCP Solidarity in the Navigators' Quarter
Support to the Municipal Youth Council
Eco Cup
Healthy Beach
Used paper notebooks
Arundo Donax Containment - from cutting to planting
Upgrading and Requalification of the Ribeira
Discover Aljezur
Social Canteen
Orlando Gonçalves Literary Prize
Local Integrated Operation (LIO) of Encosta do Sol
Business Accommodation Areas
Celorico de Basto Health Fair
Atividade de Educação Ambiental (missing translation)
Plano Estratégico de Reabilitação de Linhas de Água - PERLA (missing translation)
Candidatura ao Alentejo 2020 nº ALT20-08-2114-FEDER-000243 - Proteção Contra Riscos de Incêndios no Alto Alentejo (missing translation)
Horto das Aromáticas (missing translation)
Camellia Park
Municipal Health Office
Dr Francisco Sanches Cultural Centre
Alimentação + Saudável (missing translation)
Descentralização da Cultura (missing translation)
Correr, Saltar e Lançar - Atletismo nas Escolas (missing translation)
Natação no 1º CEB (missing translation)
Manual de Acolhimento (missing translation)
Estratégia Local de Habitação (missing translation)
Brigada de sapadores florestais 1-182 para silvicultura preventiva e vigilância com os Municípios de Gavião e Nisa (missing translation)
(Re) Arborização de Espaços Verdes e Criação de Ilhas Sombra em Meio Urbano (missing translation)
Plano Intermunicipal de Adaptação às Alterações Climática do Alto Alentejo (missing translation)
Candidatura ao POSEUR n.º POSEUR-03-2215-FC-000167 - Deteção e combate à espécie exótica invasora Vespa velutina no Alto Alentejo através da CIMAA (missing translation)
R2CS – Rede circular para a construção sustentável (missing translation)
Plano Municipal de Emergência e Proteção Civil (missing translation)
Improving energy efficiency in lighting in municipal buildings
Water Safety Plan
Adélia Project
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Transportes Escolares (missing translation)
Criação de Zonas Sombra (missing translation)
Gastronomic fortnights
SerIncludes +
Ageless Ser
Quality Monitoring of the sands on the beaches of Cascais
Requalification of the Ribeira de Sassoeiros
Public procurement procedures
Plano Intermunicipal para a Igualdade - Estratégia de Combate à Violência Doméstica de Género (missing translation)
Electronic Invoice
Escola Ativa - Combating Childhood Obesity in the municipality of Torres Vedras
Safe Beach Project
Birdwatching Project
Automatic External Defibrillation
Percurso "À Descoberta da Geodiversidade da Praia de Odeceixe." (missing translation)
Ponto Electrão
Coastal Clean-up
Workshop "Family Fostering of Children and Young People"
Clean Up the Atlantic
English Language Manuals for 1st and 2nd year (basic education)
Accessible Beach Programme
Installation of intelligent litter bins
Biomonitoring of Natural Areas in the Municipality of Viana do Castelo
Young people's housing
Reutilização de Água (ApR) na rega dos jardins do Parque das Nações Norte (CML) (missing translation)
Reabilitação do Centro Social do Rebocho (missing translation)
Clubes de Verão (missing translation)
Acesso Universal à água e saneamento (missing translation)
Reduction of water consumption - Municipal Swimming Pool of Alcabideche
Civil Protection Volunteer Brigades
Administrative modernisation
Scholarships and Merit in Higher Education
Amadora Generation Orchestra
Amadora Municipal Volunteer Programme
On the paths of water
St Sylvester Race
Collection of disused bulky household waste ("monos")
CROAMA - Official Animal Collection Centre of the Municipality of Amadora
Municipal Forest Fire Defence Plan
Festival de Banda Desenhada (missing translation)
Plano Municipal para a Igualdade (missing translation)
Estratégia Local de Habitação de Castelo de Vide (ELH) (missing translation)
Guião de Poupança e Eficiência Energética - Câmara Municipal de Góis (missing translation)
Esplanades of Vez
Rehabilitation of the Local and Environmental Heritage of the Sistelo Cultural Landscape
"Ruth and Rita ruminate" - Theatre play
Purchase of an Electric Vehicle
Municipal Training and Work Experience Programme
Municipal Youth Occupation Programme
Universidade Sénior (missing translation)
“Clube Costura entre Linhas e Tecidos”. (missing translation)
Projeto "à Descoberta das 4 Cidades" (missing translation)
Formação para Agentes Desportivos (missing translation)
Geração ON (missing translation)
Corrida dos Sinos (missing translation)
Business Factory (missing translation)
Centro de Interpretação da Vila de Mafra (missing translation)
WIFI4EU Castelo de Vide (missing translation)
Construção da Unidade de Saúde de Santo Onofre (missing translation)
Prolongamento dos Atl´s (missing translation)
Braga Transport Coordination Centre
Braga Pedagogical Farm - Environmental Training and Experimentation Centre
7 Fountains Park
Official Collection Centre
Braga Municipal Market
Braga Youth Centre
Grupo Concelhio para as Deficiências e Incapacidades (missing translation)
CRIAR tec - Incubadora de Empresas (missing translation)
Bem-Guardado (missing translation)
1.ª e 2.ª edição do Projeto Municipal Participação Cívica - O Poder Local (missing translation)
Festa do Magusto (missing translation)
Oficinas para crianças e jovens nas férias de Natal (missing translation)
Floresta sem invasoras (missing translation)
Comemorar o Ambiente! (missing translation)
Cheque Veterinário (missing translation)
Beatas no chão, não! (missing translation)
Eliminação de plásticos de uso único (missing translation)
Value the environment, value yourself!
Collection of bio-waste from large producers
Selective collection of bio-waste
Recovering Good Traditions
Birth support
Bag 12
Municipal Programme - School Supplies Kit
Participatory Youth Budget of the Municipality of Horta
Escola da Floresta em Lousada (Piloto) (missing translation)
Large Volume Waste Collection (Monsters)
Plano Municipal para Igualdade e Não Discriminação (missing translation)
Transportes Escolares (missing translation)
Cartão Municipal do Idoso (missing translation)
Praça Natal (missing translation)
Festa do Arroz (missing translation)
Propagação de espécies florestais em Viveiro (missing translation)
Reuse of treated water for irrigation of green spaces
Mobilidade Elétrica no Município - Viaturas Ligeiras (missing translation)
Mobilidade Elétrica no Município - Modos suaves (missing translation)
Espaço Cidadão (missing translation)
Creation of HUB and LABS ODS
Marine litter collection
Environmental Education and Awareness
Free physical activity in a public space
Urban Rehabilitation Operations in Urban Rehabilitation Areas
Multidisciplinary Team Caring Nearly
Draft Regulations for the Concession of the Right of Private Use of Public Space for the Installation of Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Points in Public Access Locations in the Municipality of Mafra
Adapting the municipal car fleet
Municipal Equality Plan
Sports Facilities Network
Incentives to retain doctors
Municipal Strategy for Active and Healthy Ageing in the Municipality of Mafra
Psychological Support Office
Provision of nutritionists in pre-school and primary school establishments
Municipal + Family Programme
Recolha de cinzas (missing translation)
Adaptação dos sistemas de rega dos Espaços Verdes Municipais (missing translation)
RecolhaBio - Centro Municipal de Compostagem de Resíduos Verdes (missing translation)
Serviços Municipais (missing translation)
"Heart Run
Birth Support Programme - "Born in the Land of Camellias"
Cooperação entre a Comissão para a Igualdade de Género e Município de Monforte (missing translation)
ILUPub - Improvement of the Energy Efficiency of Public Lighting
SmartMEDParks - Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Technology Parks of the Med Area through Intelligent Models and Uses
Functional Requalification of the Municipal Swimming Pool in Assentos
Remodelling of the Public Lighting Network throughout the entire municipality
Implementation of water efficiency measures in municipal buildings/infrastructures
Implementation of water efficiency measures in municipal buildings/infrastructures
Implementation of water efficiency measures in municipal buildings/infrastructures
Implementation of water efficiency measures in municipal buildings/infrastructures
Learning + Project
Emergency temporary accommodation
Literary writing workshops
The Municipal Library is an EUSOUDIGITAL Centre
Theatre and Dramatic Expression Workshops
Application of the Environmental Management System
Collection of used cooking oil (OAU)
Abem Programme
Local Housing Strategy
Inclusion Desk
Senior University of Vila Nova de Foz Côa
Renovation and extension of drinking fountains in schools
Padel court in the sports area
Requalification of the neighbourhood of prefabricated houses and investment in the surrounding area
Service Area and Overnight Stay for Motorhomes
Landscape Rehabilitation of Largo do Município
The flavours of Toiro Bravo
Local Housing Strategy
Local Reading Contest
Virtual School user manuals
Support for Disadvantaged Social Strata
Help Bank
Solidarity Bank
Support for the Recovery of Degraded Housing
Invest in Torres Vedras Agency
Towers to the Centre
Quality Coast
Accessible Beach - Beach for All" Project
Fornecimento de Computadores e Acessos Móveis à Internet (missing translation)
Drink tap water - Safe, healthy and sustainable
Joining the Green City Accord
Collection of cooking oils
Multi-material recycling - 4 R's in action: Sort to RECOVER!
Brincadeiras Health Centre
Plano de sensibilização e educação ambiental (missing translation)
Holiday for All" programme
Loulé Mobile Health Unit
Projeto Triplicar: Inovar, Integrar e Incluir (missing translation)
Centro Local de Apoio à Integração de Migrantes (missing translation)
Fatura Eletrónica da Água (missing translation)
Happy Neighbourhood Project
Gabinete de Apoio ao Empresário (missing translation)
Beata no Cinzeiro, Banhista Porreiro (missing translation)
Área de Serviço de Autocaravanas (missing translation)
Municipal Forest Fire Defence System
Municipal Management Council of the Ericeira World Surfing Reserve
Ericeira World Surfing Reserve
Mobility Observatory
Mafra Requalifies
Detail Plans
Corredor Pedonal de Acesso ao Centro de Saúde (missing translation)
Centro Interpretativo das Festas do Povo - Casa das Flores (missing translation)
ESPAÇO CIDADÃO (missing translation)
WIFI4EU Alter do Chão (missing translation)
Use of ecological criteria in the procurement of goods and services
Setúbal Sustainable Mobility and Transport Plan
Balcão de inclusão (missing translation)
Atribuição de bolsas de estudo (missing translation)
Parent/Educator Training Cycle - Socio-emotional Literacy
Reduction of water consumption - Abóboda Municipal Swimming Pool
Pilot Project for the Implementation of Bio-waste Recycling at Source - "OFFLINE IN WASTE, ONLINE IN COMPOSTAGE".
Social Emergency Fund
Municipal Playroom
Madalena Bem me Quer - Childbirth Incentive Scheme
Awarding of Scholarships to Secondary and Higher Education Students
Municipal Regulation to Support Degraded Housing
Municipal Afforestation Plan
Apadrinhar um Medronheiro (missing translation)
Férias com cidadania (missing translation)
Social Service for Workers.
Allocate Social Emergency Fund.
Supporting Local Producers and Products
"Save the water...the world is in your hands"
School milk
Castelo de Vide Adapt (missing translation)
PAMUS - Sustainable Urban Mobility
GAE / GAID - Support Office for Emigrants and Investors in the Diaspora.
Enhancing the Territory to the West of the Municipality - Rehabilitation of the Local Heritage of Monte Nossa Senhora do Castelo - Arcos de Valdevez
Melhoramento da eficiência energética da ETAR da Praia da Vitória (missing translation)
Voluntários de Leitura (missing translation)
Associativismo em Movimento (missing translation)
Compostores Modulares Comunitários (missing translation)
Acessibilidade nos espaços culturais (missing translation)
Sports Medicine Centre
Municipal Social Emergency Fund
Geologia Costeira - Percurso Exploratório (missing translation)
Recolha seletiva de material de pesca na Doca de Viana do Castelo (missing translation)
Teatro RIIAV "Uma Aventura pela Igualdade" (missing translation)
Patinagem no Pré-Escolar (missing translation)
Rádio Geração Zero (missing translation)
Código de Conduta para a prevenção e combate ao assédio no trabalho (missing translation)
Serviço de Apoio ao Cidadão (missing translation)
Georreferenciação das árvores existentes nos espaços verdes públicos do Concelho (missing translation)
Candidatura aprovada e em execução no âmbito do Compete 2020, mais concretamente no Aviso 13/REACT/-EU/2021 Apoio à Transição Climática ‘Intervenções de Resiliência dos territórios face ao risco | Combate à desertificação através da rearborização e de ações que promovam o aumento da fixação de carbono e de nutrientes no solo (missing translation)
Plano Municipal de Defesa da Floresta contra Incêndios (missing translation)
Eficiência Energética | Regulação centralizada do aquecimento nos edifícios escolares (missing translation)
Refill Project
Renewable Energy Action Plan
Socio-educational support
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan
Sustainability good practices manual of the Municipality of Nordeste
Selective Food Waste
Free Wi-Fi
Territorialização da rede nacional de apoio às vitimas de violência doméstica (missing translation)
Active Holidays
Planting of alignment trees
Arboreal Heritage Management
Farmer Support Office
Card of the Elderly
Explore Foz Côa
Foz Côa + Sustainable
Teleassistance Service
Crato Health Centre
Official Company Animal Shelter
School regime
Programme for the reduction of water consumption in the local authority
Atribuição de Bolsas de Estudo (missing translation)
Information and Mediation Service for People with Disabilities and their Families - SIM-PD
Intermunicipal Plan for the Integration of Immigrants (Plll)
Poiares + Igual (missing translation)
Ecological and Sustainable Mobility
Ponto de carregamento de mobilidade elétrica (missing translation)
Altice Forum Braga
Artistic Creation Scholarship Programme
Faial Water, Naturally!
The Marias" community intervention project
Plantação de espécies vegetais pouco exigentes em água (missing translation)
Pesca Tradicional (missing translation)
Urban 95
Building an articulated network of intermodal parks
Food support basket
Valley Shuttle
"Portugal + Equal (ENIND)
Diaspora Investor Support Network - RAID
In the pool we take care of the water
Cultural Heritage Reference Plaques
Reducing the Ecological Footprint of the Municipality of Crato
+ Health: Healthy Habits and Lifestyles
Native Fish Project
"Knowing to Preserve | Natura 2000 Network
Social Store
Horta Pedagógica sustentável na Escola (missing translation)
Restauro ecológico de habitats naturais/degradados no Concelho de Leiria (missing translation)
Collection of urban green waste and rubbish
RECOLHABIO - Support for the Implementation of Biowaste Selective Collection Projects
Investor Space
RESTOS COM VALOR - RecolhaBio (missing translation)
Economic and Territorial Development Plan
Use of water from springs and boreholes for watering green spaces
Minimise the use of plastics in Municipality events
Door to Door
Criação de Zonas de Medição e Controlo - sistema de abastecimento (missing translation)